Browsing by Author Abela, Joan

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022The 'alla Maltese' marriage regime and its implications on women's property rights during the mid-sixteenth centuryAbela, Joan
2011Before Valletta, port activities prior to the Great SiegeAbela, Joan
2023[Book review] The Maltese dialogue : Giuseppe Cambiano, history, institutions, and politics of the Maltese Knights (1554–1556)Abela, Joan
2020A brief history of the collectionAbela, Joan
2014The Domestic interior of a prosperous Florentine merchant in sixteenth-century BirguAbela, Joan
2014Don Brandano Caxario u l-għejun primarji - xi punti ta' riflessjoniAbela, Joan
2024Dowries and foreign influences in fashion and taste in eighteenth-and nineteenth-century MaltaAbela, Joan
2024Dowries and foreign influences in fashion and taste in nineteenth-century MaltaAbela, Joan
2023Editorial : 60 years of MUHSButtigieg, Emanuel; Abela, Joan; Azzopardi, Simone
2011Editorial [Proceedings of history week 2011]Abela, Joan; Buttigieg, Emanuel; Farrugia, Krystle
2024Floriana & il-Furjaniżi : a tri-centenary commemorationAbela, Joan; Privitelli, Giulia
2015The great siege of 1565 : untold stories of daily lifeAbela, Joan
2024The Greek Christian captives and renegades of Lepanto and Patras : 1603Abela, Joan
2018Hospitaller Malta and the Mediterranean economy in the sixteenth centuryAbela, Joan
2018The island order state on Malta, and its harbour c.1530−c.1624Abela, Joan; Buttigieg, Emanuel
2023-04-09Mill-Arkivji : Programme 26 : Joan AbelaD'Anastas, Noel; Abela, Joan
2019Mill-Pinna tan-Nutar : L-Arkivju notarili u n-nutara fi Żmien l-Imblokk : 1798-1800Abela, Joan; Buhagiar, Michael
2020NAV : a survey of the past, present, and future of the Notarial Archives of Valletta, MaltaButtigieg, Emanuel; Abela, Joan
2016Notarial manuscripts : some interesting insights on their compositionAbela, Joan
2023Palazzo de La Salle and its connections with the Knights of St John : discoveries and new insightsAbela, Joan