Browsing by Author Abela, Stephen

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 40  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Ag/ZnO/PMMA nanocomposites for efficient water reuseMauro, Alessandro Di; Farrugia, Clayton; Abela, Stephen; Refalo, Paul; Grech, Maurice; Falqui, Luciano; Nicotra, Giuseppe; Sfuncia, Gianfranco; Mio, Antonio; Buccheri, Maria Antonietta; Rappazzo, Giancarlo; Brundo, Maria Violetta; Scalisi, Elena Maria; Pecoraro, Roberta; Iaria, Carmelo; Privitera, Vittorio; Impellizzeri, Giuliana
2021Aging of anodic titanium dioxide nanotubes in synthetic greywater : assessment of stability and retention of photocatalytic activityFarrugia, Clayton; Lia, Frederick; Zammit, Edwin; Rizzo, Alex; Privitera, Vittorio; Impellizzeri, Giuliana; Mauro, Alessandro Di; Buccheri, Maria Antonietta; Rappazzo, Giancarlo; Grech, Maurice; Refalo, Paul; Abela, Stephen
2019Analytics of patient flow patterns in a healthcare ecosystem : a blockchain approachAbela, Stephen
2006-05Assessment of people with memory symptomsAbela, Stephen
2010Autogenous laser keyhole welding of AISI 316LTiD'Amato, Clayton; Fenech, Maurizio; Abela, Stephen; Betts, John Charles; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2013Coating of diamond particles for production of metal matrix compositesSinagra, Emmanuel; Grech, David F.; Abela, Stephen; Attard, Michael
2008Dementia care and services in MaltaScerri, Charles; Abela, Stephen
2009Dementia in Malta : experiences of dementia patients and their caregiversScerri, Charles; Innes, Anthea; Abela, Stephen
2021Development and analysis of a floating solar distillation deviceCaruana, Luca; Abela, Stephen; Refalo, Paul
2017Discrete laser spot hardening of austempered ductile ironZammit, Ann; Abela, Stephen; Betts, John Charles; Grech, Maurice
2013Distillation unitAbela, Stephen; Ghirlando, Robert; Refalo, Paul
2014The effect of climatic parameters on the heat transfer mechanisms in a solar distillation stillRefalo, Paul; Ghirlando, Robert; Abela, Stephen
2016The effect of shot peening on the scuffing resistance of Cu-Ni austempered ductile ironZammit, Ann; Abela, Stephen; Wagner, Lothar; Mhaede, Mansour; Wan, Rui; Grech, Maurice
2020Effect of the surface morphology of TiO2 nanotubes on photocatalytic efficacy using electron-transfer-based assays and antimicrobial testsLia, Frederick; Farrugia, Clayton; Buccheri, Maria Antonietta; Rappazzo, Giancarlo; Zammit, Edwin; Rizzo, Alex; Grech, Maurice; Refalo, Paul; Abela, Stephen
2023Environmental assessment of a single-family photocatalytic greywater treatment system based on the design and operating conditionsSimone Souza, Hugo Henrique de; Falqui, Luciano; Xuereb, Ryan; Abela, Stephen; Grech, Maurice; Refalo, Paul; Mamo, Julian
2007Estimated prevalence of dementia in the Maltese IslandsMamo, Julian; Aquilina, Carmelo; Scerri, Charles; Abela, Stephen
2012Influence of shot peening on the fatigue life of Cu–Ni austempered ductile ironZammit, Ann; Mhaede, Mansour; Grech, Maurice; Abela, Stephen; Wagner, Lothar
2014Influence of shot peening on the rolling contact fatigue resistance of Cu-Ni austempered ductile ironZammit, Ann; Abela, Stephen; Michalczewski, Remigiusz; Kalbarczyk, Marek; Wagner, Lothar; Mhaede, Mansour; Wan, Rui; Grech, Maurice
2016Living with dementia in hospital wards : a comparative study of staff perceptions of practice and observed patient experienceInnes, Anthea; Kelly, Fiona; Scerri, Charles; Abela, Stephen
2006The Malta Dementia SocietyScerri, Charles; Abela, Stephen