Browsing by Author Apap, Victor

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1977-10Aħsibha tajjeb, Giacomino (Theater script)Salesian Theatre (Sliema, Malta); Pirandello, Luigi; Apap, Victor
1972-02-19Cocktail d'invero '72 (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Società Dante Alighieri; Kor 'Tota Pulchra'; Pirandello, Luigi; Stivala, Angelo; Apap, Victor; Zammit, Lina; Bisazza, Bice; Vella Bondin, Joe; Borg, Olivia; Sapiano, Andrew; Flask, J.
1998-03-21Enrico IV (Theater program)Maleth; Calamatta, Narcy; Pirandello, Luigi; Apap, Victor
1931-12[Gabra ta’ kitbiet : Lehen il-Malti, No. 10], Imsemmija b'tifhir fil-Konkors tan-Novelli – Qawmien ghall-hajja ; Tfajla tal-lum ; Qronfla u sardnellaCaruana, Mary; Apap, Victor; Formosa, John
1977-03[Ġabra ta’ kitbiet : Il-Malti, Ħarġa 53]. “Fruili” Mejju 1976 ; Lilek Ranċisa! ; Papà ġdid ; Priżma ; Leħen is-sewwa ; Dik ix-xagħra! ; Bewsa ; Stedina ta’ tfajjel.Cortis, Jane; Gulia, Wallace Ph.; Diacono, Ġużè; Apap, Victor; M., A.; Attard, Emmanwel F.; Bezzina, Mario F.; Cassola, Albert M.
1979[Ġabra ta’ kitbiet : Il-Malti, Ħarġa 55]. Wara l-kalvarju: warda bajda ; Milied man-nannu ; Priżma ; It-VIII għaġeb tad-dinja ; Versi.Buttigieg, Anton; Borg, Paul P.; Apap, Victor; Gulia, Wallace Ph.; Micallef, Doreen
1984-11Il-habiba (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Maleth; De Stefani, Alessandro; Apap, Victor; Fenech, Joe
1970-04-11In citta' e' un'altra cosa (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Compagnia Filodrammatica "Carlo Goldoni"; Caglieri, Emilio; Apap, Victor
1976-01L-iben l-iehor : Genn (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta Talent Artistes; Pirandello, Luigi; Apap, Victor; Fenech, Joe
1931-12Lehen il-Malti (1931) - no. 10 (Dicembru)Bonnici, Guze; Caruana, Mary; Karm, Dun; Apap, Victor; Demanuele, J.; Formosa, John; Buttigieg, Anton; Vella, Carm.; Vassallo, Gio. Antonio
1993-01-30Lejla pirandelliana (Theater program)Tanti, Frank; Maleth; Apap, Victor; Navarro, Giovanni; Fenech, Joe; Pirandello, Luigi
1979-02Missieri, min hu? (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Maleth; Pirandello, Luigi; Apap, Victor; Scerri, Godwin
1985-11Ommi tobgħodni (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Maleth; Niccodemi, Dario; Apap, Victor; Fenech, Joe
1998Patri Wistin (Harry) Born OPApap, Victor
1978-04Strieh u serrah nhar ta' Hadd (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; Apap, Victor; Mifsud, Paul
1972-09-06Taħt is-swar ta' Sant'Iermu (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Paola Pageant Group; Qawwa ta' l-Art ta' Malta; Abela Mizzi, Charles; Sammut, Joseph; Miggiani, Antoinette; Deguara, Vinċenz; Apap, Victor; Azzopardi, Joan; Arrigo, Charles; Soler, Antoinette; Delia, Joe; Zammit Cordina, Josephine
1987-01X'se tagħmel, Giacomino? (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Maleth; Pirandello, Luigi; Apap, Victor; Friggieri, Joe