Showing results 1 to 20 of 32
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | Acoustic measurements in the collimation region of the LHC | Deboy, Daniel; Assmann, Ralph W.; Baccigalupi, C.; Burkart, Florian; Demicoli, Marija; Derrez, Clement; Lendaro, J.; Masi, Alessandro; Redaelli, Stefano; Spiezia, G.; Wollmann, Daniel |
2013 | Beam diffusion measurements using collimator scans in the LHC | Valentino, Gianluca; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Burkart, Florian; Previtali, Valentina; Redaelli, Stefano; Salvachua, Belen; Stancari, Giulio; Valishev, Alexander A. |
2014 | Beam feasibility study of a collimator with in-jaw beam position monitors | Wollmann, Daniel; Nosych, Andriy A.; Valentino, Gianluca; Aberle, Oliver; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bertarelli, Alessandro; Boccard, Christian; Bruce, Roderik; Burkart, Florian; Calvo, Eva; Demicoli, Marija; Dallocchio, Alessandro; Deboy, Daniel; Gasior, Marek; Jones, Rhodri; Kain, Verena; Lari, Luisella; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana |
2012 | Beam halo dynamics and control with hollow electron beams | Stancari, G.; Annala, G.; Didenko, A.; Johnson, T. R.; Morozov, I. A.; Previtali, Valentina; Saewert, G.; Shiltsev, V.; Still, D.; Valishev, Alexander A.; Vorobiev, L. G.; Shatilov, D.; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Salvachua, Belen; Valentino, Gianluca |
2013 | Beam-based validation of LHC collimator settings | Salvachua, Belen; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Demicoli, Marija; Deboy, Daniel; Lari, Luisella; Marsili, Aurelien; Mirarchi, Daniele; Quaranta, Elena; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Valentino, Gianluca; Wollmann, Daniel |
2013 | Cleaning performance of the LHC collimation system up to 4 TeV | Salvachua, Belen; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Deboy, Daniel; Marsili, Aurelien; Quaranta, Elena; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Mirarchi, Daniele; Valentino, Gianluca; Demicoli, Marija; Lari, Luisella |
2011 | Collimation dependent beam lifetime and loss rates in the LHC | Wollmann, Daniel; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Burkart, Florian; Demicoli, Marija; Deboy, Daniel; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Valentino, Gianluca |
2010 | Collimation for the LHC high intensity beams | Aberle, Oliver; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bacher, J. P.; Baglin, Vincent; Bellodi, Giulia; Bertarelli, Alessandro; Bestmann, Patrick; Billen, R.; Boccone, Vittorio; Bouzoud, A. P.; Bracco, Chiara; Braun, Hans Heinrich; Bruce, Roderik; Brugger, Markus; Calatroni, Sergio; Caspers, Fritz; Demicoli, Marija; Cerutti, Francesco; Chamizo, R.; Cherif, Ahmed; Chiaveri, Enrico; Dallocchio, Alessandro; Deboy, Daniel; Dehning, Bernd; Donze, Mathieu; Hilleret, Noel; Holzer, Eva Barbara; Jacquet, D.; Jeanneret, J. B.; Jimenez, Jose Miguel; Jonker, M. J.; Kadi, Yacine; Kershaw, Keith; Kruk, G.; Lamont, Mike; Lari, Luisella; Lendaro, J.; Lettry, Jacques A.; Losito, Roberto; Magistris, Matteo; Masi, Alessandro; Mayer, Manfred; Metral, Elias; Mitifiot, C.; Mounet, Nicolas; Perret, Roger; Perrolaz, S.; Previtali, Valentina; Rathjen, Ch.; Redaelli, Stefano; Robert-Demolaize, Guillaume; Roderick, Chris; Roesler, Stefan; Rossi, Adriana; Ruggiero, Francesco; Santana, Mario; Schmidt, Ruediger; Sievers, Peter; Sobczak, Maciej; Tsoulou, Katerina; Valentino, Gianluca; Veyrunes, E.; Vincke, Heinz; Vlachoudis, Vasilis; Weiler, Thomas J.; Wenninger, Jorg; Wollmann, Daniel; Kaltchev, Dobrin I.; Bayshev, I. S.; Markiewicz, Thomas Walter; Mokhov, Nikolai V.; Ryazanov, A.; Sammut, Nicholas; Simos, Nikolaos |
2012 | Collimator settings and performance in 2011 and 2012 | Bruce, Roderik; Assmann, Ralph W.; Burkart, Florian; Demicoli, Marija; Deboy, Daniel; Lari, Luisella; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Salvachua, Belen; Valentino, Gianluca; Wollmann, Daniel |
2011 | Comparative results on collimation of the SPS beam of protons and Pb ions with bent crystals | Scandale, Walter; Arduini, Gianluigi; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bracco, Chiara; Cerutti, Francesco; Christiansen, Jorgen; Gilardoni, Simone S.; Laface, Emanuele; Losito, Roberto; Masi, Alessandro; Metral, Elias; Mirarchi, Daniele; Montesano, Simone; Previtali, Valentina; Redaelli, Stefano; Valentino, Gianluca; Schoofs, Philippe; Smirnov, George I.; Tlustos, Lukas; Bagli, Enrico; Baricordi, Stefano; Dalpiaz, Pietro F.; Guidi, Vincenzo; Mazzolari, Andrea; Vincenzi, Donato; Dabagov, Sultan B.; Murtas, Fabrizio; Carnera, Alberto; Mea, Gianantoniodella; De Salvador, Davide; Lombardi, Augusto; Lytovchenko, O.; Tonezzer, Michele; Cavoto, G.; Ludovici, Lucio; Santacesaria, Roberta; Valente, Paolo; Galluccio, Francesca; Afonin, Alexander G.; Bulgakov, M. K.; Chesnokov, Yu A.; Maisheev, Vladimir A.; Yazynin, Igor A.; Kovalenko, Alexander Dmitrievich; Taratin, Alexander M.; Uzhinskiy, Vladimir V.; Gavrikov, Yu A.; Ivanov, Yuri M.; Lapina, Lyubov P.; Skorobogatov, Vyacheslav V.; Ferguson, W.; Fulcher, Jonathan Richard; Hall, Geoff N.; Pesaresi, Mark; Raymond, Mark V.; Rose, Alec W.; Ryan, Matt J.; Zorba, O.; Robert-Demolaize, Guillaume; Markiewicz, Thomas Walter; Oriunno, Marco; Wienands, U. |
2012 | Comparison of LHC collimator beam-based alignment to BPM-interpolated centers | Valentino, Gianluca; Sammut, Nicholas; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Mùˆller, G. J.; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Lari, Luisella |
2012 | End-of-fill study on collimator tight settings | Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Burkart, Florian; Cauchi, M.; Deboy, Daniel; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Schmidt, Ruediger; Valentino, Gianluca; Wollmann, Daniel |
2013 | Experience with high-intensity beam scraping and tail populations at the Large Hadron Collider | Redaelli, Stefano; Assmann, Ralph W.; Burkart, Florian; Bruce, Roderik; Mirarchi, Daniele; Salvachua, Belen; Valentino, Gianluca; Wollmann, Daniel |
2012 | Experimental verification for a collimator with in-jaw beam position monitors | Wollmann, Daniel; Aberle, Oliver; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bertarelli, Alessandro; Boccard, Christian; Bruce, Roderik; Burkart, Florian; Demicoli, Marija; Dallocchio, Alessandro; Deboy, Daniel; Gasior, Marek; Jones, Rhodri; Kain, Verena; Lari, Luisella; Nosych, Andriy A.; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Valentino, Gianluca |
2011 | The first 1 1/2 years of TOTEM roman pot operation at LHC | Deile, Mario; Antchev, Gueorgui; Atanassov, Ivan; Avati, V.; Baechler, J.; Eggert, K.; Kaspar, J.; Lucas Rodriguez, F.; Morant, J.; Niewiadomski, Hubert; Radermacher, Ernst; Ravotti, F.; Ruggiero, G.; Sabba, H.; Snoeys, Walter; Appleby, R. B.; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Dupont, M.; Dutour, M.; Farnham, B.; Pons, X.; Ravat, Sylvain; Redaelli, Stefano; Sapinski, Mariusz; Valentino, Gianluca; Wollmann, Daniel |
2011 | First beam results for a collimator with in-jaw beam position monitors | Wollmann, Daniel; Aberle, Oliver; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bertarelli, Alessandro; Boccard, Christian; Bruce, Roderik; Burkart, Florian; Demicoli, Marija; Dallocchio, Alessandro; Deboy, Daniel; Gasior, Marek; Jones, Rhodri; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Valentino, Gianluca |
2011 | First ion collimation commissioning results at the LHC | Bellodi, Giulia; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Demicoli, Marija; Jowett, John M.; Valentino, Gianluca; Wollmann, Daniel |
2011 | Halo scrapings with collimators in the LHC | Burkart, Florian; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Demicoli, Marija; Deboy, Daniel; Redaelli, Stefano; Rossi, Adriana; Valentino, Gianluca; Wollmann, Daniel; Lari, Luisella |
2012 | Improved robustness of the LHC collimation system by operating with a jaw-beam angle | Lari, Luisella; Assmann, Ralph W.; Rossi, Adriana; Demicoli, Marija; Faus-Golfe, A. |
2012 | IR2 aperture measurements at 3.5 TeV | Alabau Pons, C.; Arduini, Gianluigi; Assmann, Ralph W.; Bruce, Roderik; Giovannozzi, M.; Jowett, John M.; MacLean, E.; Muller, G. J.; Redaelli, Stefano; Tomas, Rogelio; Valentino, Gianluca; Wenninger, Jorg |