Browsing by Author Ateatru

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987-10-16Amadeus (Theater program)Ateatru; Malta. Ministry for Culture; Shaffer, Peter; Camilleri, Joe; Busuttil, Peter
1987-10Amadeus (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Culture and Youth; Ateatru; Shaffer, Peter; Camilleri, Joe; Busuttil, Peter
1984Ara gejja l-mewt ghalik ... u loghbiet ohra (Theater program)Teatru tal-Bniedem; Ateatru; Shranz, John J.
1985-12-12Arrabal (Theater program)Fabri, Vince; Scicluna, Pino; Ateatru; Busuttil, Peter; Arrabal, Fernando; Gatt, Isabelle
1988-11-12Arturo ui il-gangster (Theater program)Ateatru; Schranz, John J.; Mallia, Salvu; Brecht, Bertolt
1988-11Arturo Ui' : Il-gangster (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Ateatru; Brecht, Bertolt; Schranz, John; Mallia, Salvu
1983-05-28AST Ateatru present MetamorfoziAteatru
1988-05-01Ateatru : printing billsAteatru; Eagle Press
n.d.Ateatru mailing listsAteatru
1986Auschwitz (Theater script)Ateatru; Fenech, Michael
1986-10-20'Auschwitz' and Auschwitz ta' Peter BarnesAteatru
n.d.'Auschwitz' dramm mill-SDMUAteatru; Cassar, Mario
1984-05Beneath the 'Fringe'Ateatru
1982-07-26Better living and Autumn fashionsAteatru
n.d.Blank agreement for directorsAteatru
n.d.Bus stop : lqugh ghad-dawl : la logique (Theater program)Fenech, Michael; Ateatru; Lyceum Youth Theatre; Buttigieg, Alfred
1986-11-06Camp humourAteatru
1985-05-28Chairman's administrative report of annual general meetingAteatru; Fenech, Michael
1982-06-10The conflictAteatru; Ellul, Emm. J.