Browsing by Author Bajada, Claude J.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-06Diffusion MRI : from basic principles to clinical applicationsBajada, Claude J.; Parker, Geoffrey J. M.; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A.; Cloutman, Lauren L.
2015-09Don't throw away that microwaveBajada, Claude J.
2023-07Effects of preprocessing on local homogeneity of fMRI dataFarrugia, Christine; Smith, Robert; Bajada, Claude J.
2018-04-15An emergent functional parcellation of the temporal cortexJackson, Rebecca L.; Bajada, Claude J.; Rice, Grace E.; Cloutman, Lauren L.; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A.
2021Exploring the U-Net++ model for automatic brain tumor segmentationMicallef, Neil; Seychell, Dylan; Bajada, Claude J.
2019Fiber length profiling : a novel approach to structural brain organizationBajada, Claude J.; Schreiber, Jan; Caspers, Svenja
2015-09The first Maltese mathematics textbookBajada, Claude J.
2024Foreword message [Editorial]Bajada, Claude J.
2024Frontoparietal network topology as a neural marker of musical perceptual abilitiesLumaca, M.; Keller, P. E.; Baggio, G.; Pando-Naude, V.; Bajada, Claude J.; Martinez, M. A.; Hansen, J. H.; Ravignani, A.; Joe, N.; Vuust, P.; Vulić, K.; Sandberg, Kristian
2022Geometric effects of volume-to-surface mapping of fMRI dataCiantar, Keith George; Farrugia, Christine; Galdi, Paola; Scerri, Kenneth; Xu, Ting; Bajada, Claude J.
2020The graded change in connectivity across the ventromedial prefrontal cortex reveals distinct subregionsJackson, Rebecca L.; Bajada, Claude J.; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A.; Cloutman, Lauren L.
2017-07-15A graded tractographic parcellation of the temporal lobeBajada, Claude J.; Jackson, Rebecca L.; Haroon, Hamied A.; Azadbakht, Hojjatollah; Parker, Geoffrey J. M.; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A.; Cloutman, Lauren L.
2020Hybrid surface-volume segmentation for improved anatomically-constrained tractographySmith, Robert; Skoch, Antonin; Bajada, Claude J.; Caspers, Svenja; Connelly, Alan
2009Hypoglycemia causes widespread white matter injury – an imaging study in transgenic miceValentino, Mario; Muscat, Richard; Bajada, Claude J.; Ellul, Bridget
2009An imaging study of the neuronal subsets in the GFP-M line of transgenic miceValentino, Mario; Muscat, Richard; Bajada, Claude J.; Ellul, Bridget
2024Investigating spatial resolution in regional homogeneity analysisGalea, K.; Vella, N.; Bajada, Claude J.
2015-12Irrid immur id-darBajada, Claude J.; Scerri, Charles; Mercieca, Alexia
2022Local gradient analysis of human brain function using the Vogt‑Bailey indexFarrugia, Christine; Galdi, Paola; Arenzana Irazu, Irati; Scerri, Kenneth; Bajada, Claude J.
2024Minima Medica & Mind Maps 2024Farrugia, Dylan; Bajada, Claude J.
2020A nested U-Net approach for brain tumour segmentationMicallef, Neil; Seychell, Dylan; Bajada, Claude J.