Browsing by Author Bezzina, Christopher

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 62  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Addressing educational reforms and developments in the Maltese context [Editorial]Bezzina, Christopher
1999Authentic educational leadership for 21st century Malta : breaking the bonds of dependencyBezzina, Christopher
2002Classroom managementBezzina, Christopher; Fenech, Joseph
2013Collaboration : joint working by individual state-maintained schools in a new statutory system in the Maltese IslandsCutajar, Mario; Bezzina, Christopher
2012Contending with governance and leadership as critical issues within the Maltese educational systemBezzina, Christopher; Cutajar, Mario
1988Education in Malta : a look to the futureFenech, Victor; Zammit Mangion, Joseph; Grixti, Joseph; Falzon, Joseph M.; Fenech, Joe; Wain, Kenneth; Xerri, Charles J.; Farrugia, Charles; Vella, Edmund; Sciberras, Emmanuel; Whitmore, Paul; Bezzina, Christopher; Calleja, James
1988Education put to the question : education and man's destinyBezzina, Christopher
2003Educational leaders in the makingBezzina, Christopher; Cassar, Vincent; Triganza-Scott, Andrew
2000Educational leadership for twenty-first century Malta : breaking the bonds of dependencyBezzina, Christopher
2013Educational reforms in Malta : a missed opportunity to establish distributed governanceCutajar, Mario; Bezzina, Christopher; James, Chris
2005Establishing schools as professional learning communities : perspectives from MaltaBezzina, Christopher; Testa, Simon
1997An evaluation of form 1 IT applications mathematics worksheetsBezzina, Christopher
2004Exploring beginning teachers' perceptions of their preparation and professional development in MaltaBezzina, Christopher; Bezzina, Nataline Rose; Stanyer, Ritianne
2014Exploring the leadership that mattersBezzina, Christopher; Bufalino, Giambattista
2006From centralisation to decentralisation : the real challenges facing educational reforms in MaltaBezzina, Christopher
2016Governance and leadership in public schools : opportunities and challenges facing school leaders in ItalyPaletta, Angelo; Bezzina, Christopher
2001-06Improving the essence of teachingBezzina, Christopher
1991Improving the quality of schooling in MaltaBezzina, Christopher
2006Inclusive learning communities : the real challenges facing reform in MaltaBezzina, Christopher
1984Introducing poetry through the Japanese haikuBezzina, Christopher