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Showing results 1 to 20 of 174  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1976Another funerary portrait from Cyrenaica in the British MuseumBonanno, Anthony
2012Apotropaia prehistoric and ancient amulets from the Maltese IslandsBonanno, Anthony
1992Archaeological parks and cultural tourism : a report on the Malta workshopBonanno, Anthony
1994ArchaeologyBonanno, Anthony
1982-04Archaeology : the importance of Tas-SilgBonanno, Anthony
1985Archaeology in Malta (1) : what is archaeology?Bonanno, Anthony
1985Archaeology in Malta (2) : definition of archaeology?Bonanno, Anthony
1985Archaeology in Malta (3) : purpose and methodBonanno, Anthony
1985Archaeology in Malta (4) : before manBonanno, Anthony
1986Archaeology in Malta (5) : the earliest inhabitantsBonanno, Anthony
1986Archaeology in Malta (6) : habitat and religious beliefsBonanno, Anthony
1987Archaeology in Malta (7) : neolithic man : economic and social structureBonanno, Anthony
1990The archaeology of Gozo : from prehistoric to Arab timesBonanno, Anthony
2017The archaeology of Malta & Gozo : 5000 BC - AD 1091Bonanno, Anthony
2014The archaeology of Petronius : engaging a social science with literatureBonanno, Anthony
2002Archeologia paleocristiana e Bizantina di Malta : nuove acquisizioni e nuove riflessioniBuhagiar, Mario; Bonanno, Anthony
1996The artist in prehistoric religious ritual : servant or master?Bonanno, Anthony
2020Ashtart-Isis or Fortuna-Juno : an enigmatic marble statue from ancient MeliteBonanno, Anthony
1990Aspects of the socio-economic structure of roman maritime commerceBonanno, Anthony
1993-05The Birgu peninsula in prehistoric and classical timesBonanno, Anthony