Browsing by Author Borg, Jonathan C.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 64  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Adaptation of Brensen's thresholding algorithm for sketched line drawingsBartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Farrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.
2024An AI-based prosthesis framework fostering an adaptive amputee healthcare servicePatiniott, Nicholas; Borg, Jonathan C.; Francalanza, Emmanuel; Zammit, Joseph P.; Vella, Pierre; Gatt, Alfred; Paetzold-Byhain, Kristin
2012Analysing product development working practices for enhancing innovation through collaboration and simulationGalea, Amanda; Francalanza, Emmanuel; Farrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.
2015An approach exploiting the interplay between elicited emotions and product design to improve business competitivenessFarrugia, Lawrence; Borg, Jonathan C.
2014An approach framework supporting manufacturing system design for a range of productFrancalanza, Emmanuel; Borg, Jonathan C.; Constantinescu, Carmen L.
2016Augmented reality in the digital factoryFrancalanza, Emmanuel; Borg, Jonathan C.; Farrugia, Philip; Farrugia, Lawrence
2004A cameraphone-based approach for the generation of 3D models from paper sketchesCamilleri, Kenneth P.; Borg, Jonathan C.; Farrugia, Philip; Spiteri, Christopher L.; Bartolo, Alexandra
2009Cameraphones as new design toolsFarrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2011Can designers be proactively supported as from product specifications?Galea, Amanda; Borg, Jonathan C.; Grech, Alexia; Farrugia, Philip
2012A case for assisting ‘product family’ manufacturing system designersFrancalanza, Emmanuel; Borg, Jonathan C.; Constantinescu, Carmen L.
2012A computational framework for supporting innovation in product development through collaboration and simulationGalea, Amanda; Farrugia, Philip; Francalanza, Emmanuel; Borg, Jonathan C.
2007The cyborg astrobiologist : porting from a wearable computer to the Astrobiology Phone-camBartolo, Alexandra; MCGuire, Patrick C.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Spiteri, Christopher; Borg, Jonathan C.; Farrugia, Philip; Ormo, Jens; Gomez-Elvira, Javier; Rodriguez-Manfredi, Jose´ Antonio; Diaz-Martinez, Enrique; Ritter, Helge; Haschke, Robert; Oesker, Markus; Ontrup, Jorg
2014Deriving a systematic approach to changeable manufacturing system designFrancalanza, Emmanuel; Borg, Jonathan C.; Constantinescu, Carmen L.
2007Design for micro milling guidelinesVella, Pierre; Borg, Jonathan C.; Grech, Alexia K.; Spiteri, David; Randich, Jonathan
2016‘Design for X’ based on foreseeing emotional impact of meetings with evolving productsFarrugia, Lawrence; Borg, Jonathan C.
2016Development and evaluation of a knowledge-based decision-making approach for designing changeable manufacturing systemsFrancalanza, Emmanuel; Borg, Jonathan C.; Constantinescu, Carmen
2009Development of a modular, reconfigurable end effector for the plastics industry : a case studySaliba, Michael A.; Vella Zarb, Andrew; Borg, Jonathan C.
2007Drawing standards for early design : where do we stand?Farrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.; Yan, Xiu-Tian; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Bartolo, Alexandra
2023Elements of a prescriptive and adaptive prosthesis development service frameworkPatiniott, Nicholas; Borg, Jonathan C.; Francalanza, Emmanuel; Zammit, Joseph P.; Vella, Pierre; Gatt, Alfred; Paetzold, Kristin
2019Emotional product design : merging industrial and engineering design perspectivesFrancalanza, Emmanuel; Borg, Jonathan C.; Fenech, Alec; Farrugia, Philip