Browsing by Author Borg, Tonio

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 73  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020The 2020 constitutional amendments : a legal analysisBorg, Tonio
2024Abdication of constitutional responsibilityAquilina, Kevin; Bencini, Austin; Bonello, Giovanni; Borg, Tonio
2022AN ACT to further amend the Criminal Code, Cap. 9. Bill No. 28A : position paperAgius, Emmanuel; Aquilina, Kevin; Savona Ventura, Charles; Borg, Tonio; Calleja, Carlo; Zammit, Raymond
2018-01-14Anton Tabone... "il-bniedem tal-Istat"Borg, Tonio
2022Archbishop Scicluna as I know himBorg, Tonio
2023The Arturo Mercieca Court (1924-1940) : a legal analysisBorg, Tonio
2024Black holes and the Constitution of MaltaBorg, Tonio
2022The Blue sisters saga : a legal and factual analysisBorg, Tonio
2016A commentary on the Constitution of MaltaBorg, Tonio
2022A commentary on the Constitution of Malta [Second Edition]Borg, Tonio
2020-07The Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights - conflicts, similarities and contrastsBorg, Tonio
2022-05The Constitution of Malta : anomalies and imperfectionsBorg, Tonio
2024The Constitution of Malta at sixtyBorg, Tonio; Stanton, John
2024Constitutional supremacy : different experiences in the United States, India, and MaltaBorg, Tonio
2020Corona virus and legal issuesBorg, Tonio
2017Disa' kriΕΌijietBorg, Tonio
2006The dissenting opinions of Judge Giovanni Bonello at the European Court of Human RightsBorg, Tonio
2024EU law, the Constitution of Malta, and the 𝘍𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘳 caseBorg, Tonio
2021-08The exhaustion rule, exhaustedBorg, Tonio
2023-04Faculty of Laws Newsletter : April 2023 : issue 7Borg, Tonio; Sammut, Ivan; Leontijevic, Rowena; Mifsud, Ivan