Browsing by Author Briguglio, Michael

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 195  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022An analysis of pertinent issues in education in Southern Europe : rhythms of life, environmental sustainability and migrationMayo, Peter; Brown, Maria; Briguglio, Michael
2021-05-13Another Labour victory?Briguglio, Michael
2022-09Any funds for pavements?Briguglio, Michael
2010Are ENGOs empowered through EU accession? The case of Maltese ENGOsBriguglio, Michael
2020-07-23Are we reconciling employment with family life?Briguglio, Michael
2022-06-23Backstage and frontstage environmentalismBriguglio, Michael
2023Beyond labels : rethinking identity politics, equity, and democracyAlden, Timothy; Briguglio, Michael
2014Bird hunting in European Malta : a case of ENGO empowerment?Briguglio, Michael
2015-06-15The bird hunting referendum in MaltaBriguglio, Michael
2022Book review : working life and the transformation of Malta 1960-2020Briguglio, Michael
2023-06-23The Bormla elderly persons’ controversyBriguglio, Michael
2020-06-11The budget in contextBriguglio, Michael
2022Budgetary logicBriguglio, Michael
2022Budgetary season in a southern European island stateBriguglio, Michael
2021-01-07Caring society, care of the selfBriguglio, Michael
2022-02-02The case of Victor VellaCamilleri, Neil; Briguglio, Michael
2016Chapter 15 : EnvironmentBriguglio, Michael
2016Chapter 16 : Political parties and social movementsBriguglio, Michael
2016Chapter 19 : Social policy, poverty and social exclusionBriguglio, Michael; Bugeja, lan; Vella, Mary Grace
2021-09-30Check your sourceBriguglio, Michael