Browsing by Author Buhagiar, Joseph P.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 47  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201025 years of S-phaseBuhagiar, Joseph P.
2023Additively manufactured 316L stainless steel subjected to a duplex peening-PVD coating treatmentBonnici, Luana; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Cassar, Glenn; Vella, Kelsey Ann; Chen, Jian; Zhang, Xiyu; Huang, Zhiquan; Zammit, Ann
2018Assessment of corrosion resistance of cast cobalt- and nickel-chromium dental alloys in acidic environmentsMercieca, Sven; Caligari Conti, Malcolm; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Camilleri, Josette
2012Augmentation of crevice corrosion resistance of medical grade 316LVM stainless steel by plasma carburisingBuhagiar, Joseph P.; Spiteri, Andre; Sacco, Malcolm; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Dong, Hanshan
2010Autogenous laser keyhole welding of AISI 316LTiD'Amato, Clayton; Fenech, Maurizio; Abela, Stephen; Betts, John Charles; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2022Biodegradation behaviour of Fe-based alloys in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solutions : part I. Material characterisation and corrosion testingTonna, Christabelle; Wang, Cheng; Mei, Di; Lamaka, Sviatlana V.; Zheludkevich, Mikhail L.; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2022Biodegradation behaviour of Fe-based alloys in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solutions : part II. The evolution of local pH and dissolved oxygen concentration at metal interfaceWang, Cheng; Tonna, Christabelle; Mei, Di; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Zheludkevich, Mikhail L.; Lamaka, Sviatlana V.
2010Characterisation of dual S phase layer on plasma carbonitrided biomedical austenitic stainless steelsLi, X. Y.; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Dong, H.
2012Corrosion behaviour of carbon S-phase created on Ni-free biomedical stainless steelFormosa, Dennis; Hunger, Ralph; Spiteri, Andre; Dong, Hanshan; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2015Corrosion behaviour of triode plasma diffusion treated and PVD TiN-coated Ti-6Al-4V in acidified aqueous chloride environmentsScerri, Antonella; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Banfield, Sarah; Avelar-Batista Wilson, J. C.; Housden, Jonathan; Leyland, Adrian; Matthews, Allan; Cassar, Glenn
2019Corrosion degradation of AZ31 magnesium alloy coated by plasma electrolytic oxidationKajánek, Daniel; Hadzima, Branislav; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Wasserbauer, Jaromír; Jacková, Martina
2023The effect of a duplex surface treatment on the corrosion and tribocorrosion characteristics of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4VVella, Kelsey Ann; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Cassar, Glenn; Pizzuto, Martina Marie; Bonnici, Luana; Chen, Jian; Zhang, Xiyu; Huang, Zhiquan; Zammit, Ann
2019The effect of alloying elements on the properties of pressed and non-pressed biodegradable Fe–Mn–Ag powder metallurgy alloysCaligari Conti, Malcolm; Mallia, Bertram; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Vella, Daniel A.
2011Effect of low-temperature plasma carbonitriding on the fretting behaviour of 316LVM medical grade austenitic stainless steelsLiu, J.; Dong, H.; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Song, C. F.; Yu, B. J.; Qiana, L. M.; Zhou, Z. R.
2017The effect of sliding onto the metal-electrolyte interface : studying model parameter modifications by means of EISCassar, Josianne; Mallia, Bertram; Karl, Andreas; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2016EIS of carburised CoCrMo : evolution of parameters characterising the metal-electrolyte interfaceCassar, Josianne; Mallia, Bertram; Karl, Andreas; Buhagiar, Joseph P.
2022-06Elastomers for the development of orthopaedic implants : a reviewAbela, Dylan; Rochman, Arif; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Mollicone, Pierluigi; Schembri-Wismayer, Pierre
2023Erosion-corrosion behavior and mechanism of TiAlN coating under different flow conditions in simulated seawaterZhang, Xiyu; Huang, Zhiquan; Wang, Kehua; Wang, Jianming; Zammit, Ann; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Cassar, Glenn; Liu, Mingyue; Chen, Jian
2011Evaluation of the biocompatibility of S-phase layers on medical grade austenitic stainless steelsBuhagiar, Joseph P.; Bell, Thomas; Sammons, Rachel; Dong, Hanshan
2023FeMn and FeMnAg biodegradable alloys : an in vitro and in vivo investigationSaliba, Luke; Sammut, Keith; Tonna, Christabelle; Pavli, Foteini; Valdramidis, Vasilis; Gatt, Ray; Giordmaina, Ryan; Camilleri, Liberato; Atanasio, William; Buhagiar, Joseph P.; Schembri Wismayer, Pierre