Browsing by Author Buttigieg, Sandra C.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 131  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Access to preventive health services of migrants in five EU countriesRosano, Aldo; Rosano, A.; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Dauvrin, M.; Dias, S.; Ronda, E.; Tafforeau, J.
2019Age-friendly cities in the Netherlands : an explorative study of facilitators and hindrances in the built environment and ageism in designvan Hoof, Joost; Dikken, Jeroen; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; van den Hoven, Rudy F. M.; Kroon, Esther; Marston, Hannah R.
2019Ageism in health care : a systematic review of operational definitions and inductive conceptualizationsSousa São José, José Manuel; Filipe Amado, Carla Alexandra; Ilinca, Stefania; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Taghizadeh Larsson, Annika
2023Analysing relationship between air pollutants and meteorological parameters using TRA, PCA & CA : a concise reviewPawar, Bhushan Dinkar; Garg, Lalit; Caruana, Roberta J.; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Calleja, Neville
2024Application and evaluation of a multimodal training on the second victim phenomenon at the European Researchers’ Network Working on Second Victims training school : mixed methods studyGuerra-Paiva, Sofia; Mira, José Joaquín; Strametz, Reinhard; Fernandes, Joanna; Klemm, Victoria; Madarasova Geckova, Andrea; Knezevic, Bojana; Potura, Eva; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Carrillo, Irene; Sousa, Paulo
2012Benchmarking and performance management in health careButtigieg, Sandra C.
2017A blueprint to evaluate one healthRuegg, Simon R.; McMahon, Barry J.; Hasler, Barbara; Esposito, Roberto; Rosenbaum Nielsen, Liza; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ehlinger, Timothy; Peyre, Marisa; Aragrande, Maurizio; Zinsstag, Jakob; Davies, Philip; Mihalca, Andrei Daniel; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Rushton, Jonathan; Carmo, Luis P.; De Meneghl, Daniele; Canali, Massimo; Filippitzi, Maria E.; Goutard, Flavie Luce; Ilieski, Vlatko; Milicevic, Dragan; O'Shea, Helen; Radeski, Miroslav; Kock, Richard; Staines, Anthony; Lindberg, Ann
2015“Boundaryless hospital” through risk management approach : a case study of the Accident and Emergency Unit of a tertiary care hospital in MaltaButtigieg, Sandra C.; Dey, Parsanta K.; Gauci, Dorothy
2018Brucellosis control in Malta and Serbia : a one health evaluationButtigieg, Sandra C.; Savic, Sara; Cauchi, Daniel; Lautier, Elaine Claire; Canali, Massimo; Aragrande, Maurizio
2016Business process management in health care : current challenges and future prospectsButtigieg, Sandra C.; Prasanta, Dey; Gauci, Dorothy
2017Can hospital dashboards provide visibility of information from bedside to board? A case study approachPace, Adriana; Buttigieg, Sandra C.
2005A case study of teamwork in a Maltese geriatric hospitalButtigieg, Sandra C.
2013Causal explanations of psychological contract breach characteristicsCassar, Vincent; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Briner, Rob B.
2014Challenges and policy concerns for health systems in small European statesAzzopardi Muscat, Natasha; Grech, K.; Buttigieg, Sandra C.
2020Challenging the adequacy of the conventional ‘three lines of defence’ model : a case study on Maltese credit institutionsBorg, Glen; Baldacchino, Peter J.; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Boztepe, Engin; Grima, Simon
2023Characterising hospital admission patterns and length of stay in the Emergency Department at Mater Dei Hospital MaltaGarg, Lalit; Attard, Natasha; Caruana, Roberta; Pawar, Bhushan Dinkar; McClean, Sally I.; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Calleja, Neville
2018Cold War legacy in public and private health spending in EuropeJakovljevic, Mihajlo Michael; Camilleri, Carl; Rancic, Nemanja; Grima, Simon; Jurisevic, Milena; Grech, Kenneth; Buttigieg, Sandra C.
2016Combined quality function deployment and logical framework approach to improve quality of emergency care in MaltaButtigieg, Sandra C.; Dey, Prasanta; Cassar, Mary Rose
2016Commentary : comparison of historical medical spending patterns among the BRICS and G7Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Grima, Simon; Camilleri, Carl
2020Communicating corporate social responsibility in healthcare through digital and traditional tools : a two-country analysisTomaselli, Gianpaolo; Garg, Lalit; Gupta, Vipul; Xuereb, Peter A.; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Vassallo, Paula