Browsing by Author Calleja, James

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Bologna expert training session and learning outcomes seminarNational Team of Bologna Experts; Avellino, Roberta; Farrugia, Ray; Grech, Veronica; Grech, Carl; Grech, Omar; Mifsud, Henry; Mizzi, Bernie; Vella, Alfred J.; Calleja, James
2011Bologna expert training session, student-centred learning, international openness & the external dimension and learning outcomesNational Team of Bologna Experts; Avellino, Roberta; Farrugia, Ray; Grech, Veronica; Grech, Carl; Grech, Omar; Mifsud, Henry; Mizzi, Bernie; Vella, Alfred J.; Calleja, James
2021Changes in mathematics teachers’ self‑reported beliefs and practices over the course of a blended continuing professional development programmeCalleja, James
1993Children's attitudes towards mathematics : a study on Junior Lyceum Form One studentsCalleja, James
2022-05Early researchers’ experience of a networked learning forum : a site of learning and challengesCutajar, Maria; Calleja, James
1988Education in Malta : a look to the futureFenech, Victor; Zammit Mangion, Joseph; Grixti, Joseph; Falzon, Joseph M.; Fenech, Joe; Wain, Kenneth; Xerri, Charles J.; Farrugia, Charles; Vella, Edmund; Sciberras, Emmanuel; Whitmore, Paul; Bezzina, Christopher; Calleja, James
2024Exploring the insider–outsider status of postgraduate students in leading lesson studyCalleja, James; Formosa, Laura
2024Features in task design for inclusion : an example of a mathematical investigationCalleja, James
2021Identifying needs for pedagogical change online survey analysisCalleja, James; Buhagiar, Michael A.; Attard Tonna, Michelle; Camilleri, Therese
2024-12Improving vocabulary and facilitating comprehension : the case of a Maltese lesson study in a primary school settingCamilleri, Ylenia; Formosa, Laura; Calleja, James
2024Initiating schoolwide lesson study in leading for school improvementCalleja, James
2021Integrating "just-in-time" learning in the design of mathematics professional developmentCalleja, James; Foster, Colin; Hodgen, Jeremy
2011Integrating investigations in secondary school MathematicsCalleja, James
2011International openness and the external dimension seminarNational Team of Bologna Experts; Avellino, Roberta; Farrugia, Ray; Grech, Veronica; Grech, Carl; Grech, Omar; Mifsud, Henry; Mizzi, Bernie; Vella, Alfred J.; Calleja, James
2021An investigation of the professional behaviour, status, career and identities of teachers in MaltaAttard Tonna, Michelle; Calleja, James
2017-03-05Leading change amid unrestBezzina, Christopher; Calleja, James
2019Learning to enact reform practices : understanding teachers' work within contrasting learning contextsCalleja, James
2019Learning to teach mathematics through inquiry : a case study of continuing professional development in MaltaCalleja, James
2023Lesson study for vocational education and training : goals and outcomes of the adaptation of lesson study to the VET sector in the LS4VET Erasmus+ Project (2020-2023)Bükki, Eszter; Győri, János Gordon; Mewald, Claudia; Lénárd, Sándor; Hartyányi, Mária; Calleja, James; Buhagiar, Michael A.; Attard Tonna, Michelle; Camilleri, Therese; Brouwer, Matthijs; van den Eijnden, Maud; Messelink-Korterink, Karin
2024-12Lesson study in a Maltese primary state school : using different operations in mathematics problem solvingCremona, Jessica; Calleja, James; Formosa, Laura