Browsing by Author Callus, Ivan

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 183  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Alien infertility in science fiction : part 1Grech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2011Alien infertility in science fiction : part 2Grech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2011Alien infertility in science fiction : part 3Grech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2017Anagrammatology : Derrida before Saussure’s Anagram notebooksCallus, Ivan
2005(Auto)thanatography or (auto)thanatology? : Mark C. Taylor, Simon Critchley, and the writing of the deadCallus, Ivan
2020Autothanatography and contemporary poetryCallus, Ivan
2017B,C,DCallus, Ivan; Corby, James
2001[Book review] The literature of Malta : an example of unity in diversityCallus, Ivan
2012Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal : pharmacological immortality in science fictionGrech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2002A chronological and annotated bibliography of works referring to Ferdinand de Saussure's anagram notebooksCallus, Ivan
2022Coda - the professor of literature, in literatureCallus, Ivan
2004Coda : theory reloadedCallus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan
2014The coldest of all cold monsters : state infliction of infertilityGrech, Victor E.; Vassallo, Clare; Callus, Ivan
2022Columnism and essayismCallus, Ivan
2004Comparatism and (auto)thanatography : death and mourning in Blanchot, Derrida, and Tim ParksCallus, Ivan
2015Constructed worlds : posthumanism in film, television and other cosmopoietic mediaCallus, Ivan
2016CounterText : electronic literature, again : volume 2, issue 2Aquilina, Mario; Callus, Ivan
2020CounterText : on its own termsCorby, James; Callus, Ivan
2015CounterText : volume 1 : issue 1Callus, Ivan; Corby, James; Bugeja, Norbert
2015CounterText : volume 1 : issue 2Callus, Ivan; Corby, James