Browsing by Author Camilleri, Kenneth P.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Adaptation of Brensen's thresholding algorithm for sketched line drawingsBartolo, Alexandra; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Farrugia, Philip; Borg, Jonathan C.
2009An algorithm for brain computer interfacing based on phase synchronization spatial patternsFalzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2004An analysis of gains achieved by multiresolution elastic registration of head MRI’sBorg, P.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Muscat, J.; Fabri, Simon G.; James, C. J.
2016An analysis on the effect of phase on the performance of SSVEP-based BCIsGauci, Norbert; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2012The analytic common spatial patterns method for EEG-based BCI dataFalzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Muscat, Joseph
2013-09Annual activity report 2012-2013Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2014-09Annual activity report 2013- 2014Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2015-09Annual activity report 2014 - 2015Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2016-10Annual activity report 2015-2016Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2017-10Annual activity report 2016-2017Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2018-11Annual activity report 2017-2018Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2019-11Annual activity report 2018-2019Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2020-10Annual Activity Report 2019-2020Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2018The application of medical thermography to discriminate neuroischemic toe ulceration in the diabetic footGatt, Alfred; Falzon, Owen; Cassar, Kevin; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Gauci, Jean; Ellul, Christian; Mizzi, Stephen; Mizzi, Anabelle; Papanas, Nikolaos; Sturgeon, Cassandra; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Formosa, Cynthia
2007-07Applying ICA to single trial auditory P300 and CNV evoked potentials to provide biomarkersJervis, Barrie; Belal, Suliman; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Camilleri, Tracey A.; Fabri, Simon G.; Linden, David E. J.; Michalopoulos, Kostas; Zervakis, Michalis; Bigan, Cristin; Besleaga, Mircea
2008ARMA modeling for the diagnosis of controlled epileptic activity in young childrenCamilleri, Tracey A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Fabri, Simon G.; Zervakis, Michalis; Micheloyannis, Sifis
2018Automated region extraction from thermal images for peripheral vascular disease monitoringGauci, Jean; Falzon, Owen; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Ellul, Christian; Mizzi, Stephen; Mizzi, Anabelle; Sturgeon Delia, Cassandra; Cassar, Kevin; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2016Automated segmentation and temperature extraction from thermal images of human hands, shins and feetGauci, Jean; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Ellul, Christian; Mizzi, Stephen; Mizzi, Anabelle; Cassar, Kevin; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2017-07Automated segmentation of regions of interest from thermal images of handsGauci, Jean; Falzon, Owen; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Ellul, Christian; Mizzi, Stephen; Mizzi, Anabelle; Cassar, Kevin; Sturgeon, Cassandra; Chockalingam, Nachiappan
2017Automatic carotid ultrasound segmentation using deep convolutional neural networks and phase congruency mapsAzzopardi, Carl; Hicks, Yulia A.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.