Browsing by Author Camilleri, Vanessa

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 62  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019AI in education - a practical guide for teachers and young peopleCamilleri, Vanessa; Dingli, Alexiei; Montebello, Matthew
2008ARCHie - augmented reality for cultural heritage in interactive e-learningCamilleri, Vanessa; Montebello, Matthew
2008ARIEL : Augmented Reality in Interactive E-learningCamilleri, Vanessa; Montebello, Matthew
2020Augmented reality in cultural heritage : designing for mobile AR user experiencesCamilleri, Vanessa
2013A case study inside a virtual world - use of analytics for immersive spacesCamilleri, Vanessa; Freitas, Sara de; Montebello, Matthew; McDonagh-Smith, Paul
2017Classroom technology acceptance for teachers in 3D : a case study in PreVieWCamilleri, Vanessa; Freitas, Sara de; Dunwell, Ian; Montebello, Matthew
2017Combining artificial intelligent techniques to assist language educationMontebello, Matthew; Camilleri, Vanessa
2014Digital and video game usage in MaltaBusuttil, Leonard; Camilleri, Vanessa; Camilleri, Liberato; Dingli, Alexiei; Montebello, Matthew
1998Electricity : a multimedia software packageCamilleri, Carl (1998); Camilleri, Vanessa
2017Empowering citizens through virtual and alternate realityCamilleri, Vanessa; Dingli, Alexiei; Montebello, Matthew
2007Enhanced dynamicity for web learning applications : web technologies on the moveCamilleri, Vanessa; Montebello, Matthew
2011Enriching the browsing experienceMontebello, Matthew; Camilleri, Vanessa; Theuma, Simon
2022Ethical considerations of using VR in mental health trainingCachia, Andrew; Camilleri, Vanessa; Dingli, Alexiei; Galea, Michael; Grech, Paulann; Sammut, Alexei; Scerri, Josianne
2007Flexible learning systems : an insight into personalised learning systemsCamilleri, Vanessa; Montebello, Matthew
2017A framework for measuring VR-based instruction effectivenessVassallo, Keith; Camilleri, Vanessa; Layfield, Colin; Montebello, Matthew
2011Fuzzy proximity estimation with opportunistic use of Wi-Fi and GSM fingerprintsMontebello, Matthew; Camilleri, Vanessa; Mifsud, Christian
2016Games and citizen engagement : towards democracy 3.0Camilleri, Vanessa; Dingli, Alexiei; Montebello, Matthew
2016Gamify your classroom! – A guidebook tool for an alternative pedagogical approach to class-based teachingCamilleri, Vanessa; Dingli, Alexiei; Montebello, Matthew
2011GiftFinder : a Web 2.0 recommendation system using mobile technologiesMontebello, Matthew; Camilleri, Vanessa; Young, Lisa
2016If you aren’t experiencing it, you’re not understanding it! Using virtual reality to understand migrantsCamilleri, Joe; Scicluna, David; Briffa, Vince; Camilleri, Vanessa; Dingli, Alexiei; Montebello, Matthew