Browsing by Author Camilleri-Cassar, Frances

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 132  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017About time : gender equality in Malta’s working-time regime?Camilleri-Cassar, Frances
2018Academic research methods for the law student : a practical guideCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2022Academic research methods for the law student : a practical guide (second edition)Camilleri-Cassar, Frances
2009Access to healthcare and long-term care : equal for women and men? : Final synthesis reportCrepaldi, Chiara; Samek Lodovici, Manuela; Corsi, Marcella; Capri, Stefano; Naaf, Sandra; Pasquinelli, Sergio; Camilleri-Cassar, Frances; Expert Group on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, Health and Long-Term Care Issues (EGGSI)
2009Access to healthcare and long-term care : equal for women and men? National report MaltaCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2010Active ageing and gender equality policies : the employment and social inclusion of women and men of late working and early retirement age : national report MaltaCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2000Assessing Malta's equal opportunitiesCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2001-01-21Assessing Malta’s equal opportunitiesCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2010Assessment of the gender perspective in the National Reform Programme for Employment : Malta national reportCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2021Atti Kawtelatorji : to what extent are precautionary warrants adequate in safeguarding a person’s rights to secure a claim before the Civil Court?Camilleri-Cassar, Frances
2000[Book review] Godfrey Baldacchino, Introducing social studies - a Maltese reader, Malta, PEG Publications, 448pp., 2000, ISBN 99909-0-246-1 (pbk.)Camilleri-Cassar, Frances
2000-11-12Budget 2000 and the part-time workforce : suggestions and recommendations for protective legislationCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2006-12-10Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in MaltaCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2002-02-10The childcare task force report in a nutshellCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2016Collection of good practices on administrative data collection on violence against women EIGE/2015/OPER/22 : MaltaCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2016Collection of good practices on administrative data collection on violence against women. EIGE/2015/OPER/22 : MaltaCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2015Collection of good practices on non-monetary measures in the area of women and poverty : questionnaire for preparing deliverable 2 (Country profiles)Camilleri-Cassar, Frances
2022Conflict of laws and other legal intricaciesCamilleri-Cassar, Frances
2012Country fiche on gender equality and policy developments : Malta : 1st quarter 2012Camilleri-Cassar, Frances
2013Country fiche on gender equality and policy developments : Malta : 1st quarter 2013Camilleri-Cassar, Frances