Browsing by Author Cauchi, Reuben

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-07Carbon allotropes exhibiting negative linear compressibilityFormosa, Jean Paul; Cauchi, Reuben; Grima, Joseph N.
2013Honeycomb composites with auxetic out-of-plane characteristicsGrima, Joseph N.; Cauchi, Reuben; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne
2020On the design of multimaterial honeycombs and structures with T‐shaped joints having tunable thermal and compressibility propertiesCauchi, Reuben; Attard, Daphne; Grima Delia Spiteri Cornish, James-Nicholas; Grima, Joseph N.
2013-10On the mechanical properties of centro-symmetric honeycombs with T-shaped jointsCauchi, Reuben; Attard, Daphne; Grima, Joseph N.
2011Recent developments in materials and structures exhibiting negative behaviourGrima, Joseph N.; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne; Casha, Aaron; Cauchi, Reuben; Zerafa, Christine; Caruana-Gauci, Roberto; Ellul, Bridget; Buttigieg, A.; Camilleri, M. T.; Zammit, M.; Manicaro, E.; Chetcuti, E.
2020Smart cellular systems with pressure dependent Poisson’s ratiosAttard, Daphne; Cauchi, Reuben; Gatt, Ruben; Grima Delia Spiteri Cornish, James-Nicholas; Grima, Joseph N.
2020Smart honeycomb “mechanical metamaterials” with tunable Poisson’s ratiosGrima Delia Spiteri Cornish, James-Nicholas; Cauchi, Reuben; Attard, Daphne; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2014-03Space dependent mean field approximation modellingDudek, Miroslaw; Grima, Joseph N.; Cauchi, Reuben; Zerafa, Christine; Gatt, Ruben; Zapotoczny, Bartłomiej
2018A story of flies and ice : unravelling the mysteries of ALSJones, Becky Catrin; Cauchi, Reuben; Lanfranco, Maia
2015-02Tailoring graphene to achieve negative Poisson's ratio propertiesGrima, Joseph N.; Winczewski, Szymon; Mizzi, Luke; Grech, Michael C.; Cauchi, Reuben; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne; Wojciechowski, Krzysztof W.; Rybicki, Jaroslaw
2023What it could feel like to press on an auxetic : effect of Poisson’s ratio on the indenterAttard, Daphne; Gatt, Ruben; Caruana-Gauci, Roberto; Grima-Cornish, James N.; Cauchi, Reuben; Sillato, Darren; Cerasola, Dario; Ficarra, Giovanni; Bezzina, Daniel S.; Formosa, Cynthia; Gatt, Alfred; Grima, Joseph N.