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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022 | Adolescent social emotional skills, resilience and behavioral problems during the COVID-19 pandemic : a longitudinal study in three European countries | Martinsone, Baiba; Stokenberga, Ieva; Damberga, Ilze; Supe, Inga; Simões, Celeste; Lebre, Paula; Canha, Lúcia; Santos, Margarida; Caetano Santos, Anabela; Fonseca, Ana Marta; Santos, Dória; Gaspar de Matos, Margarida; Conte, Elisabetta; Agliati, Alessia; Cavioni, Valeria; Gandellini, Sabina; Grazzani, Ilaria; Ornaghi, Veronica; Camilleri, Liberato |
2022 | Adolescents' resilience during COVID-19 pandemic and its mediating role in the association between SEL and mental health | Grazzani, Ilaria; Agliati, Alessia; Cavioni, Valeria; Conte, Elisabetta; Gandellini, Sabina; Lupica Spagnolo, Mara; Ornaghi, Veronica; Micol Rossi, Francesca; Cefai, Carmel; Bartolo, Paul A.; Camilleri, Liberato; Oriordan, Mollie Rose |
2024 | Assessing teachers' social and emotional competence : the validation of SECTRS in Italy, Latvia, and Portugal | Grazzani, Ilaria; Martinsone, Baiba; Simoes, Celeste; Cavioni, Valeria; Conte, Elisabetta; Ornaghi, Veronica; Pepe, Alessandro |
2015 | Beyond PISA : schools as contexts for the promotion of children’s mental health and well-being | Cefai, Carmel; Cavioni, Valeria |
2012-11 | Book reviews [International Journal of Emotional Education, 4(2)] | Murray, Sylwia-Kazmierczak; Fartusnic, Ciprian; O’Toole, Leah; Cavioni, Valeria; Darmanin Kissaun, Greta |
2016 | Breaking the cycle : a phenomenological approach to broadening access to post-secondary education | Cefai, Carmel; Downes, Paul; Cavioni, Valeria |
2024 | Bridging the SEL CASEL Framework with European educational policies and assessment approaches | Cavioni, Valeria; Broli, Luisa; Grazzani, Ilaria |
2014 | Circle time for social and emotional learning in primary school | Cefai, Carmel; Ferrario, Erika; Cavioni, Valeria; Carter, Audrey; Grech, Tracy |
2024 | Editorial : Introduction to the special issue on assessing children’s social emotional learning to guide improvement programs | Anthony, Christopher J.; Grazzani, Ilaria; Elliott, Stephen N.; Cavioni, Valeria |
2022-08-08 | The effectiveness of a school-based, universal mental health programme in six European countries | Cefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato; Bartolo, Paul A.; Grazzani, Ilaria; Cavioni, Valeria; Conte, Elisabetta; Ornaghi, Veronica; Agliati, Alessia; Gandellini, Sabina; Tatalović Vorkapić, Sanja; Poulou, Maria S.; Martinsone, Baiba; Stokenberga, Ieva; Simões, Celeste; Santos, Margarida; Colomeischi, Aurora Adina |
2021 | A formative, inclusive, whole-school approach to the assessment of social and emotional education in the EU | Cefai, Carmel; Downes, Paul; Cavioni, Valeria |
2014-11 | From Pisa to Santander : a statement on children's growth and wellbeing | Cefai, Carmel; Clouder, Christopher; Antognazza, Davide; Boland, Neil; Cavioni, Valeria; Heys, Belinda; Madrazo, Claudia; Solborg, Claes |
2016 | Head and heart for children’s education : the role of the classroom teacher | Cefai, Carmel; Cavioni, Valeria |
2024 | Measuring social and emotional learning skills of preschool children in Croatia : initial validation of the SSIS SEL Brief Scales | Tatalović Vorkapića, Sanja; Anthony, Christopher J.; Elliott, Stephen N.; Grazzani, Ilaria; Cavioni, Valeria |
2020-04 | Mental health promotion in schools : a comprehensive theoretical framework | Cavioni, Valeria; Grazzani, Ilaria; Ornaghi, Veronica |
2011-04 | Miss, I got mad today! : the anger diary, a tool to promote emotion regulation | Renati, Roberta; Cavioni, Valeria; Zanetti, Maria Assunta |
2023-04 | A multi-component curriculum to promote teachers’ mental health : findings from the PROMEHS program | Cavioni, Valeria; Grazzani, Ilaria; Ornaghi, Veronica; Agliati, Alessia; Gandellini, Sabina; Cefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato; Bartolo, Paul A.; Tatalović Vorkapić, Sanja; Golob, Lana; Poulou, Maria S.; Martinsone, Baiba; Supe, Inga; Simões, Celeste; Lebre, Paula; Colomeischi, Aurora Adina; Rusu, Petruta; Acostoaie, Lidia; Vintur, Tatiana; Conte, Elisabetta |
2022 | Multi-informant validity evidence for the SSIS SEL Brief Scales across six European countries | Anthony, Christopher J.; Elliott, Stephen N.; Yost, Michayla; Lei, Pui-Wa; DiPerna, James C.; Cefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato; Bartolo, Paul A.; Grazzani, Ilaria; Ornaghi, Veronica; Cavioni, Valeria; Conte, Elisabetta; Tatalović Vorkapić, Sanja; Poulou, Maria S.; Martinsone, Baiba; Simões, Celeste; Colomeischi, Aurora Adina |
2023 | Portraits of pre-service special education teachers : perspectives on well-being and its association with self-efficacy and work engagement | Cavioni, Valeria; Toto, Giusi; Ornaghi, Veronica |
2022 | Promoting mental health at school : evaluating the effectiveness of the PROMEHS programme in improving students’ and teachers’ social and emotional competence, resilience and mental health | Cefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato; Bartolo, Paul A.; Grazzani, Ilaria; Cavioni, Valeria; Conte, Elisabetta; Ornaghi, Veronica; Agliati, Alessia; Gandellini, Sabina; Tatalović Vorkapić, Sanja; Poulou, Maria S.; Martinsone, Baiba; Stokenberga, Ieva; Simões, Celeste; Santos, Margarida; Colomeischi, Aurora Adina |