Browsing by Author Corby, James

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 117  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024AI and post-literary difference : a credo in fragmentsCorby, James
2024Artificial intelligence and the post-literary difference : a provocationAquilina, Mario; Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2011The audacity of hope : locating Kushner's political vision in Angels in AmericaCorby, James
2017B,C,DCallus, Ivan; Corby, James
2012Blake, Yeats, Larkin : nihilism and the indifferent consolation of Post-RomanticismCorby, James
2024Character adrift (on the sea of language) : Robinson Crusoe, Foe, Elizabeth Costello, and the shipwreck of realismCorby, James
2015The contemporary quarrel between performance and literature : reflections on performance (and) philosophyCorby, James
2020CounterText : on its own termsCorby, James; Callus, Ivan
2015CounterText : volume 1 : issue 1Callus, Ivan; Corby, James; Bugeja, Norbert
2015CounterText : volume 1 : issue 2Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2015CounterText : volume 1 : issue 3Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2024CounterText : volume 10 : issue 1Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2024CounterText : volume 10 : issue 2Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2024CounterText : volume 10 : issue 3Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2016CounterText : volume 2 : issue 1Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2016CounterText : volume 2 : issue 2Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2016CounterText : volume 2 : issue 3Callus, Ivan; Corby, James; Fenech, Giuliana
2017CounterText : volume 3 : issue 1Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2017CounterText : volume 3 : issue 2Callus, Ivan; Corby, James
2017CounterText : volume 3 : issue 3Callus, Ivan; Corby, James