Browsing by Author Cordina, Maria

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 91  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
200610 years in the service of the professionCordina, Maria
2009An analysis of gender differences in self-reported heaith, use of medicines and access to information sources about medicines among adolescentsDarmanin Ellul, Rita; Cordina, Maria; Buhagiar, Anton; Fenech, Anthony G.; Mifsud, Janet
2009Anxiety and the management of asthma in an adult outpatient populationCordina, Maria; Fenech, Anthony G.; Vassallo, Josanne; Cacciottolo, Joseph M.
2018Applying lean methodology to improve parenteral chemotherapy and monoclonal antibody documentation processes based on normalisation process theoryWest, Lorna Marie; Brincat, Alison; Mercieca, Mark; Fsadni, Demis; Rapa, Ian; Cordina, Maria
2015Applying the Delphi technique to define ‘medication wastage’West, Lorna Marie; Diack, Lesley; Cordina, Maria; Stewart, Derek
2023Assessing medication-related burden of community-dwelling individuals with chronic conditions in a small island stateSacco, Katya; Bonnici West, Lorna M.; Grech, Lauren M.; Krska, Janet; Cordina, Maria
2019The association between medication adherence and knowledge about medication wastage in the communityWest, Lorna Marie; Stewart, Derek; Cordina, Maria
2017The association of adherence to medicines with medicines literacy, beliefs about medicines and locus of control in patients suffering from chronic conditions - a pilot studyWest, Lorna Marie; Borg Theuma, Ruth; Cordina, Maria
2019Asthma management and support in primary schoolsCaruana, Maria; Calleja, Neville; Cordina, Maria
2021Attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination, vaccine hesitancy and intention to take the vaccineCordina, Maria; Lauri, Mary Anne; Lauri, Josef
2014Awareness of gender in healthcareCordina, Maria
2005The burden of respiratory diseaseCordina, Maria
2012Career paths and personality in pharmacyCordina, Maria; Lauri, Mary Anne; Lauri, Josef
2024Challenges in public policy for the implementation of pharmacogenetic tests in EuropeAzzopardi Meli, Bernice; Fenech, Anthony G.; Cordina, Maria; Ellul, Bridget; Agius, Emmanuel
2012Change in practiceCordina, Maria
2011Choosing the pharmacy course : the need for guidance and counseling in preparation for higher educationLauri, Mary Anne; Cordina, Maria; Lauri, Josef; Mifsud, Dione
2012Clinical pharmacist evaluation of medication inappropriateness in the emergency department of a teaching hospital in MaltaWest, Lorna Marie; Cordina, Maria; Cunningham, Scott
2016Community pharmacists : an expression of gratitudeCordina, Maria
2020Consumer internet purchasing of medicines using a population sample : a mixed methodology approachBowman, Corinne; Family, Hannah; Agius Muscat, Hugo; Cordina, Maria; Sutton, Jane
2005Controlling asthma and improving quality of lifeCordina, Maria