Browsing by Author Cortes, Arthur R. G.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 111  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20213D Radiographic assessment of dental anomalies and managementAlzoubi, Emad Eddin; No-Cortes, Juliana; Abdala-Junior, Reinaldo; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2022Accuracy comparison among 3D-printing technologies to produce dental modelsKim, Jun Ho; Pinhata-Baptista, Otavio Henrique; Ayres, Ana Paula; Berbel da Silva, Renan Lúcio; Ferreira Lima, Jacqueline; Sardinha Urbano, Gabriel; No-Cortes, Juliana; Torres Vasques, Mayra; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2021Accuracy of digital planning in zygomatic implantsXing Gao, B.; Iglesias-Velázquez, O.; Tresguerres, F. G. F.; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Tresguerres, I. F.; Ortega Aranegui, R.; López-Pintor, R. M.; López-Quiles, J.; Torres, J.
2015Advanced aspects of imaging in oral implantologyCortes, Arthur R. G.
2024Advantages and drawbacks of different methods to measure marginal gaps in fixed dental prostheses : a scoping reviewAyres, Ana Paula; Cuschieri, Laura Althea; Bianchi, D.M.; Pradíes, Guillermo; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2020Age related changes in the bone microstructure in patients with femoral neck fracturesSanchez-Siles, J. M.; Tamimi-Mariño, I.; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Ackerman, Jerome L.; González-Quevedo, D.; Guerado, E.; García, A.; Yaghoubi, F.; Abdallah, M. N.; Eimar, H.; Laurenti, M.; Al-Subaie, A.; Tamimi, F.
2014An alternative approach to extruding a vertically impacted lower third molar using an orthodontic miniscrew : a case report with cone-beam CT follow-upCortes, Arthur R. G.; No-Cortes, Juliana; Cavalcanti, Marcelo Gusmao Paraiso; Arita, Emiko Saito
2016Analysis of bone quality on panoramic radiograph in osteoporosis research by fractal dimensionCamargo, Angela Jordão; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Massaharu Aoki, Eduardo; Gazzano Baladi, Marina; Arita, Emiko Saito; Aranha Watanabe, Plauto Christopher
2024Artificial intelligence in planning oral rehabilitations : current statusCortes, Arthur R. G.
2018Assessment of alveolar bone marrow fat content using 15 T MRICortes, Arthur R. G.; Cohen, Ouri; Zhao, Ming; Aoki, Eduardo Massaharu; Ribeiro, Rodrigo Alves; Nada, Lina Abu; Costa, Claudio; Arita, Emiko Saito; Tamimi, Faleh; Ackerman, Jerome L.
2014Assessment of implant-related treatment with edited three-dimensional reconstructed images from cone beam computerized tomography : a technical noteCortes, Arthur R. G.; Pinheiro, Lucas Rodrigues; Umetsubo, Otavio Shoiti; Arita, Emiko Saito; Cavalcanti, Marcelo Gusmao Paraiso
2013Assessment of osteoporotic alterations in achondroplastic patients : a case seriesArita, Emiko Saito; Pippa, Maria Guadalupe Barbosa; Marcucci, Marcelo; Cardoso, Renato; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Watanabe, Plauto Christopher Aranha; Oliveira, Jefferson Xavier
2017Assessment of osteoporotic alterations in type 2 diabetes : a retrospective studyMunhoz, Luciana; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Arita, Emiko S.
2011Assessment of panoramic radiomorphometric indices of the mandible in a Brazilian populationAlonso, Maria Beatriz C. C.; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Camargo, Angela Jordão; Arita, Emiko Saito; Haiter-Neto, Francisco; Watanabe, Plauto Christopher A.
2024Autologous bone harvested during implant bed preparation : a randomized clinical trial comparing high-speed drilling with irrigation versus low-speed drilling without irrigationBernabeu-Mira, Juan Carlos; Peñarrocha-Diago, Miguel; Canullo, Luigi; Camacho-Alonso, Fabio; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Peñarrocha-Oltra, David
2015Bone augmented with allograft onlays for implant placement could be comparable with native boneAl-Abedalla, Khadijeh; Torres, Jesus; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Wu, Xixi; Nader, Samer Abi; Daniel, Nach; Tamimi, Faleh
2024The brightness of multidisciplinary approaches in health sciences researchCortes, Arthur R. G.; Henriques, Bruno; Sarmento, Bruno; Fortuna Rodrigues, Célia; Souza, Júlio C. M.; Tiritan, Maria Elizabeth; Vieira Brito, Nuno; Bezerra Cass, Quezia; Dinis-Oliveira, Ricardo Jorge; Warnakulasuriya, Saman; Bolanos-Garcia, Victor M.; Bousbaa, Hassan
2021Clinical management of nasal skin necrosis caused by hyaluronic acid fillerVieira, Marcelo Germani; Machado-Filho, Daniel Augusto; Alcantara, Allan Rafael; Mendonca, Adriana; Kim, Jun Ho; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2020Clinical relevance of digital dentistry during COVID-19 outbreak : a scoped reviewMarkarian, Roberto Adrian; Berbel da Silva, Renan Lúcio; Burgoa, Shaban; Pinhata-Baptista, Otavio Henrique; No-Cortes, Juliana; Cortes, Arthur R. G.
2012Comparative study between the radiopacity levels of high viscosity and of flowable composite resins, using digital imagingArita, Emiko Saito; Silveira, Gilson P.; Cortes, Arthur R. G.; Brucoli, Henrique C. P.