Browsing by Author Cutajar, JosAnn

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 59  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The 1921 Constitution and democracyCutajar, JosAnn
20245th Global conference on women’s studies : knowledge, production, and representation in transnational women’s and gender studiesCutajar, JosAnn
2013Beyond blue, green and redBaldacchino, Godfrey; Briguglio, Marie; Cutajar, JosAnn; Mallia, Abigail; Spiteri, Lino; Vella, Mario
2021Case study : the University of Malta Cottonera Resource CentreCutajar, JosAnn
2016Chapter 8 : Gender and sexualityBaldacchino, Ruth; Cutajar, JosAnn; Murphy, Brenda; Naudi, Marceline
2023Clash of competing rights in surrogacy : embryos, foetuses and children with a disabilityCutajar, JosAnn
2022The commodification of family : the multilayered harms of surrogacyCutajar, JosAnn
2008Community involvement and the revitalization of BirguCutajar, JosAnn
2007Community participation in destination development in the Maltese IslandsCutajar, JosAnn
2019Community people in general are social ‘animals’ so they tend to congregatein groups, communitiesCutajar, JosAnn
2014-01Community perceptions of crimeFormosa, Saviour; Cutajar, JosAnn; Calafato, Trevor
2010Community perceptions of crime : the case of Bormla - findingsCutajar, JosAnn; Calafato, Trevor; Formosa, Saviour
2013Community perceptions of criminality : the case of the Maltese walled city of BormlaCutajar, JosAnn; Formosa, Saviour; Calafato, Trevor
2017'Contentious' politics and the production of place : the case of CottoneraCutajar, JosAnn; Vella, John
2016'Contentious' politics and the production of place : the case of CottoneraCutajar, JosAnn; Vella, John
2010The cost of povertyCutajar, JosAnn
1998The cultural construction of femininity : women’s magazines and Maltese womenCutajar, JosAnn
1995Czasopisma dla kobiet a kobiety z GozoCutajar, JosAnn
2001The dark side of the nation : essays on multiculturalism, nationalism and gender by Himani Bannerji [Book review]Cutajar, JosAnn
2016Gender and sexualityCutajar, JosAnn; Baldacchino, Ruth; Murphy, Brenda; Naudi, Marceline