Browsing by Author De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Analysis of a WWII T-2 Tanker using a virtual 3D model and contemporary criteriaBonnici, C.; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Ghirlando, R.
2016Analysis of the impact on composite sandwich structuresDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Mizzi, Kurt
2017Assessment of the residual strength of marine laminate panelsDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Bonello, Jan; Champagne, Stephane
2022CAVitation Experimentation Acquisition Technology (CAVEAT)Mizzi, Simon; Zammit Munro, Marianna; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Sant, Tonio
2022CFD analysis of the effect of heterogeneous hull roughness on ship resistanceRavenna, Roberto; Song, Soonseok; Shi, Weichao; Sant, Tonio; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Tezdogan, Tahsin; Demirel, Yigit Kemal
2021CFD analysis on the effect of heterogenous hull roughness on ship resistanceRavenna, Roberto; Song, Soonseok; Shi, Weichao; Sant, Tonio; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Demirel, Yigit Kemal
2013Characterisation of composite hybrid marine grade sandwich panelsDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Cortis, Jeremy; Cassar, Charles
2014Characterizing QSLVII damage of composite sandwich hullsDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Cortis, Jeremy; Cassar, Charles
2013Connecting the essential work of fracture, stress intensity factor, Hill’s criterion in mixed mode I/II loadingDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Ciappara, Stephen
2012Damage Analysis on Marine Vessels due to Impact and GroundingDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire
2021Decreasing the Sloshing effect on Ships (DeSloSH)De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Borg, Mitchell G.
1998Denting and fracture of sheet steel by blunt and sharp obstacles in glancing collisionsDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Atkins, A. G.
1996The determination of fracture forming limit diagrams from fracture toughnessDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Arndt, S.; Atkins, A. G.
2021Developing Local Agave Natural Fibre Composites (DLANComp)Muscat, Martin; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Camilleri, Duncan; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Lanfranco, Sandro
2021Development of a monocoque formula SAE Chassis using Carbon Fibre Sandwich PanelsBezzina, Daniel Sean; Muscat, Martin; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire
2021Economic and environmental impacts of antifouling coatings used on the fishing boats in TurkeySong, Soonseok; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Demirel, Yigit Kemal
1994The effect of anisotropy in fracture toughness and yield strength in the tearing of ductile sheet materialsDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Atkins, A. G.
1994Elastoplastic convergent and divergent crack paths in tear testing of sheet materialsDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Attard, A. G.
1994Elastoplastic trouser tear testing of sheet materialsDe Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire; Atkins, A. G.
2016An electric powered catamaran designed with a smart charging systemCassar, D.; Cilia, J.; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire