Browsing by Author Ebejer, Francis

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1968-12Aurora (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism; Moviment Qawmien Letterarju; Sammut, Frans; Ebejer, Francis; Thake, Charles; Marshall, Albert
1979The bicultural situation in MaltaEbejer, Francis
1989The bilingual writer (Mediterranean-Maltese and English) as JanusEbejer, Francis
n.d.BoulevardEbejer, Francis
1964-12-12BoulevardEbejer, Francis
n.d.BoulevardEbejer, Francis
2018-09-06Boulevard (Theater program)Teatru Malta; Manoel Theatre; Zfin Malta; Ebejer, Francis; Attard, Toni; Mangiola, Paolo
1964-12Boulevard (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Ebejer, Francis
1967-04The boy friend (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta Amateur Dramatic Club; Wilson, Sandy; Sammut, Joseph; Ebejer, Francis
1974-02-14Bwani (Theater program)Malta Amateur Dramatic Club; Ebejer, Francis; Scerri, Godwin
1974-02Bwani (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta Amateur Dramatic Club; Ebejer, Francis; Scerri, Godwin
1969-03The cliffhangers (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta Talent Artistes; Ebejer, Francis
1984-01A double bill : Lumie di Sicilia : Is-sejha ta' Sarid (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre Academy of Dramatic Art; Istituto Italiano di Cultura; Pirandello, Luigi; Ebejer, Francis; Abdilla, Ronald V.; Caruana, Charles
1993Fejn il-qalb baqgħet tħabbat... : xi tifkiriet mis-seba’ snin li għamilt bħala surmast ta’ l-Iskola Primarja, is-SiġġiewiEbejer, Francis
1985Francis Ebejer - his novelsEbejer, Francis
1985Francis Ebejer - his novels : part twoEbejer, Francis
1952[Gabra ta' kitbiet : Lehen il-Malti, Ghadd 254-262] - Gulju Cesri ; Xjenza... ; Ix-xemx ta' Mejju ; Sangre y arena ; Lura lejn Malta ; Zmien u mhabba ; Versi lil M... ; Puccini u l-"Coro dei muti" ; Wahdi tlajt ; Niftakar ; Klawsura ; Ir-rangiz ; Iben il-poezija ; Attitudni interrogattiva. Il-mohh joqghod ; Il-gheneb taz-zija ; Il-bahar ; Cpar fix-xemxShakespeare, William; Camilleri, Frans; Agius, E.; Manara, A.; Buttigieg, Anton; Briffa, Ruzar; Chetcuti, Guze; Wordsworth, William; Caruana, Vincent; Frin 52; Vassallo, K.; Meilak, Joseph; Ebejer, Francis; Vella, Marianus; Cassar, G. B.; Cassar, J. B.; Barbara, Valentin V.; Farrugia, Cherubin M.
1985-11-29Gahan ta' BingemmaEbejer, Francis; Ellul Vincenti, Norbert; Sammut, Victor; A.M., A.
2007-09-28Gahan ta' BingemmaEbejer, Francis; Suda, John; Farrugia, Inez
2007-10-30Ghaziz Francis (Theater program)Katlina; Fabrika Fantastika; Ebejer, Francis