Browsing by Author Farrugia, Charles J.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 78  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014ACARM’s position in the ever-changing world of archivesFarrugia, Charles J.
2013Anniversarji mfakkra tul is-sena 2013Sciberras, Marvin; Farrugia, Charles J.
1992April ta' 50 sena iluFarrugia, Charles J.
2023Architects of memory : information and rhetoric in networked archival age [Book review]Farrugia, Charles J.
2014Architecture on demand : efforts to preserve Malta’s architectural drawingsFarrugia, Charles J.; Glass, Melissa
2023Archives of the cathedral of Malta Misc.32B : 1530-1660 : the study and text of an eighteenth-century index of transcripts [Book review]Farrugia, Charles J.
2023Archives of the Cathedral of Malta Misc.32B: 1530-1660 : the study and text of an eighteenth-century index of transcripts [Book review]Farrugia, Charles J.
2016Bur Megħeż u tan-NaxxariFarrugia, Charles J.
2017Casino Principale San Giuseppe : skoperta ta' statuti bikrijaFarrugia, Charles J.
2023The COVID-19 pandemic memory project : transforming a challenge into an opportunityFarrugia, Charles J.; Mizzi, Rachelle
2013Dak li jgħid u ma jgħidx ir-Reġistru tal-Konsulti tal-Fratellanza ta' San Ġużepp ta' Ħal KirkopFarrugia, Charles J.
2004Devozzjoni lejn l-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni fl-Imqabba : avveniment prinċipali mit-twaqqif ta' dan is-sekluFarrugia, Charles J.
2014-05Down memory lane : geographies of Maltese coastal villages at the turn of the 20th centurySchembri, John A.; Gauci, Ritienne; Farrugia, Charles J.; Callus, Leonard
2022Dun Ġwann – an archival influencer and reformerFarrugia, Charles J.
2024Editorial Reflections [Custos divitiarum : Festschrift in honour of Joseph Schirò]Farrugia, Charles J.
2022A friend in need : ICA and the National Archives of MaltaFarrugia, Charles J.
2016Frode a danno del governo : politika Koppija fuq il-palk nazzjonaliFarrugia, Charles J.
2014From mission to citizens' expectations : the experience of the National Archives of MaltaFarrugia, Charles J.
2024Giacomo Puccini’s visit to Malta – new findings and questionsFarrugia, Charles J.
2018Ġrajja ta' 325 sena ilu : it-terremot tal-1693 deskritt f'testment magħmul l-ImqabbaBonnici, Victor; Farrugia, Charles J.