Browsing by Author Fearne, Christopher
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2010 | Collagenous gastritis : a rare cause of anaemia in childhood | Vella, Cecil; Pullicino, Edgar; Fearne, Christopher |
2021 | Impact on COVID-19 hospitalisation rates of Maltese elderly following achievement of 70% first dose vaccine coverage | Borg, Michael; Suda, David; Brincat, Andre; Agius, Stephen; Fearne, Christopher |
2003 | Trichobezoar in a 13 year old Male: a case report and review of literature | Pace, Alistair M.; Fearne, Christopher |
2014 | Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis : the case of a perplexing kidney | Said Conti, Valerie; Azzopardi, Christine; Fearne, Christopher; Cuckow, Peter |