Browsing by Author Felice, Alex

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990Abnormal haemoglobins and thalassaemia in MaltaFelice, Alex; Grech, J. L.
1980Adult and fetal hemoglobin production in erythroid colonies from subjects with β-thalassemia or with hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH)Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan; Reese, A. L.; Gravely, Marsha E.; Wilson, Jerry B.; Webber, Brooke B.; Felice, Alex
1984Alternate organization of α G-Philadelphia globin genes among US Black and Italian Caucasian heterozygotesSciarratta, Giuseppina V.; Sansone, Gennaro; Ivaldi, Giovanni L.; Felice, Alex; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
1977Anomaly in the γ chain heterogeneity of the newbornHuisman, Titus Hendrik Jan; Schroeder, Walter A.; Felice, Alex; Powars, Darleen R.; Ringelhann, Bela
1986-03Antibiotic policy : government health services : march, 1986Felice, Alex; Cacciottolo, Joseph M.; Cuschieri, Paul; Zarb Adami, Joseph; Caruana-Montaldo, P.
1974Assessment of a laboratory method for the evaluation of hyperlipoproteinemiaGrech, J.L.; Felice, Alex
1979The association of sickle cell anemia with heterozygous and homozygous α-thalassemia-2 : in vitro HB chain synthesisFelice, Alex; Webber, Brooke B.; Miller, Augustus; Mayson, Sylvia M.; Harris, Herman F.; Henson, Jean B.; Gravely, Marsha E.; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
1985(Aγδβ)ο-Thalassaemia in Blacks is due to a deletion of 34 kbp of DNAHenthorn, P. S.; Smithies, O.; Nakatsuji, T.; Felice, Alex; Gardiner, M. B.; Reese, A. L.; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
2023The beautiful world of human haemoglobin (revisited)Felice, Alex
2009Candidate molecular regulators of developmental globin gene switchingBorg, Joseph J.; Phylactides, Marios; Grech, Godfrey; Scerri, Christian A.; Cassar, Wilhelmina; Galdies, Ruth; Lindern, Marieke von; Ijcken, Wilfred van; Ho, Jun; Philipsen, Sjaak; Grosveld, Frank; Patrinos, George P.; Felice, Alex
2010A case-control study of Parkinson’s disease and tobacco use : gene-tobacco interactionsPalma, Giuseppe de; Dick, Finlay D.; Calzetti, Stefano; Scott, Neil W.; Prescott, Gordon James; Osborne, Aileen; Haites, Neva E.; Mozzoni, Paola; Negrotti, Anna; Scaglioni, Augusto; Mutti, Antonio; Felice, Alex; Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Borg, Joseph J.; Scerri, Christian A.; Geoparkinson Study Group
1999Characterization and locus assignment of two α-globin variants present in the Maltese population : Hb St. Luke's [α95 (G2) Pro→ Arg] and Hb Setif [α94 (G1) Asp→ Tyr]Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Galdies, Ruth; Scerri, Christian A.; Felice, Alex
1981Clinical and hematological evaluation of two δ0 δ0 - thalassemia homozygotesDincol, G.; Altay, Cigdem A.; Aksoy, M.; Gurgey, Aytemiz; Felice, Alex; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
2005Comparative frequency of Coagulation Factor II and Coagulation Factor V Alleles among new-born and senior citizensAbela Medici, Joseph; Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Scerri, Christian A.; Grochowska, Alicha; Felice, Alex
1999Comparative in vivo expression of β+-thalassemia allelesMarwan, M. M.; Scerri, Christian A.; Zarroag, S. O.; Kyrri, Andreanni R.; Kalogirou, Eleni; Kleanthous, Marina; Ioannou, Panayiotis A.; Angastiniotis, Michael A.; Felice, Alex; Cao, Antonio
1984Deletions and duplications of α or ζ globin genes in children with sickle cell anemiaFelice, Alex; McKie, Virgil C.; McKie, Kathleen Mood; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
1986Dense cell formation in pediatric and adolescent patients with sickle cell diseaseAbraham, Edathara C.; Bergherm, B.; Felice, Alex; McKie, Virgil C.; Abraham, A.; McKie, Kathleen Mood
1977Detection and quantitation of the fetal hemoglobin variant Hb F-Malta-I in adultsAltay, Gultekin; Garver, Fred A.; Bannister, William H.; Grech, Joseph L.; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan; Felice, Alex
2006Detection of new genomic landmarks in the Maltese goat using Rapd PCRBlundell, Renald; Felice, Alex
1992The development of a comprehensive genetics programme for the early identification of disabled children with hereditary diseaseFelice, Alex