Browsing by Author Gambin, Timmy

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 94  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20167300 years of vegetation history and climate for NW Malta : a Holocene perspectiveGambin, Belinda; Andrieu-Ponel, Valerie; Medail, Frederic; Marriner, Nick; Peyron, O.; Montade, Vincente; Gambin, Timmy; Morhange, Christophe; Belkacem, D.; Djamali, Morteza
2013Ancient anchors from Malta and GozoAzzopardi, Elaine; Gambin, Timmy; Zerafa, Renata
2024Ancient glass from the island of Malta : a preliminary study of Phoenician-Punic, Roman and post-Roman findsGrima, Matthew; Anastasi, Maxine; Cardona, David; Gambin, Timmy; Mercieca-Spiteri, Bernardette; Vella, Nicholas C.; Cagno, Simone; Vella, Daniel A.
2008Archaeological discoveries at Marsa over the centuriesGambin, Timmy
2012Archaeology and the sea in the Maltese IslandsAzzopardi, Elaine; Gambin, Timmy
2008Archaeology via underwater robots : mapping and localization within Maltese cistern systemsClark, Christopher M.; Olstad, Christopher S.; Buhagiar, Keith; Gambin, Timmy
2017AUV motion-planning for photogrammetric reconstruction of marine archaeological sitesViswanathan, Vaibhav K.; Lobo, Zayra; Lupanow, Jessica; Fock, Sebastian Seibert von; Wood, Zoe J.; Gambin, Timmy; Clark, Christopher M.
2016Boulder accumulations related to extreme wave events on the eastern coast of MaltaBiolchi, Sara; Furlani, Stefano; Antonioli, Fabrizio; Baldassini, Niccolo; Causon Deguara, Joanna; Di Stefano, Agata; Evans, Julian; Gambin, Timmy; Gauci, Ritienne; Mastronuzzi, Giuseppe; Monaco, Carmelo; Scicchitano, Giovanni
2021The cargo of the Phoenician shipwreck off Xlendi Bay, Gozo : analysis of the objects recovered between 2014–2017 and their historical contextsGambin, Timmy; Sourisseau, Jean-Christophe; Anastasi, Maxine
2012Central Mediterranean islands and satellite ports for ancient RomeGambin, Timmy
2003Chapels and navigation in Medieval GozoGambin, Timmy
2018Cinematographic and geometric criteria for virtual camera path generation for the visualization of shipwreck dataDavis, Katerine; Viswanathan, Vaibhav K.; Clark, Christopher M.; Gambin, Timmy
2018Clustering over the cultural heritage linked open dataset : Xlendi shipwreckEllefi, Mohamed Ben; Nawaf, Mohamad Motasem; Sourisseau, Jean-Christophe; Gambin, Timmy; Castro, Filipe; Drap, Pierre
2019Deepwater archaeological survey : an interdisciplinary and complex processDrap, Pierre; Papini, Odile; Merad, Djamal; Pasquet, Jérôme; Royer, Jean-Philip; Motasem Nawaf, Mohamad; Saccone, Mauro; Ellefi, Mohamed Ben; Chemisky, Bertrand; Seinturier, Julien; Sourisseau, Jean-Christophe; Gambin, Timmy; Castro, Filipe
2024Design and manufacture of a device for in-situ corrosion monitoring of underwater metallic wrecksBezzina, Jacob; Vella, Daniel A.; Gambin, Timmy; Muscat, Martin; Vella, Pierre
2013Die Entwicklung der Unterwasser archaologie auf MaltaGambin, Timmy; Azzopardi, Elaine
2020Digital dive into history : from submerged artefact to digital modelGambin, Timmy; Kovacevic, Darko; Sausmekat, Maja
2020Dive into history with Heritage MaltaGambin, Timmy; Kovacevic, Darko; Sausmekat, Maja
2012A drop in the ocean - Malta's trade in olive oil during the Roman periodGambin, Timmy
2014Early to mid-Holocene vegetation dynamics on the Central Mediterranean island of Malta - a possible indicator of a major hydroclimatic changeGambin, Belinda; Andrieu-Ponel, Valerie; Médail, Frédéric; Marriner, Nick; Morhange, Christophe; Gambin, Timmy; Djamali, Morteza