Browsing by Author Gatt, Guzi

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1983-10-28Allat imgarrfa (Theater program)A.S.T. Ateatru; Malta. Ministry of Culture; Euripedes; Gatt, Guzi; Said, Dominic
1983-08Allat imgarrfa (Theater script)Gatt, Guzi; Euripedes
2008ApprezzamentGatt, Guzi
1988-10-17Arturo Ui - Bertolt BrechtSamuel French Ltd.; Dingli, Benedict H.; Gatt, Guzi
2002-10-18Bla kommixin (Theater program)Ażad; Mizzi, Joe; Fenech, Justin; Kenely, Wilfred; Gatt, Guzi; Magro, Jean Pierre; Fenech, Michael
2004Fatati fil-BirguZahra, Lorenzo; Gatt, Guzi
2002Flus "Maltin", kejl u qisienGatt, Guzi
2009Il-ġobon tan-narGatt, Guzi
2005Il-Hajja tan-nies ta' dariDougall, Angelo; Pisani, Maria R.; Gatt, Guzi
2008Il-hobz tal-MaltiGatt, Guzi
1991-05Il-kavallieri (Theater script)Gatt, Guzi; Aristophanes
2006-03-10Il-kertejker (theater program)Bikkej Events; Pinter, Harold; Gatt, Guzi
1988Il-kertejker (Theater script)Pinter, Harold; Gatt, Guzi
2004Il-Madonna tac-Cicri u t-tiftix ghall-ilmaGatt, Guzi
n.d.Il-migja (theater script : handwritten)Pinter, Harold; Gatt, Guzi
1985-08Il-migja (theater script)Pinter, Harold; Gatt, Guzi
n.d.Il-persekuzzjoni u l-qtil ta' Jean Paul MaratAST Ateatru; Malta. Ministry of Culture; Weiss, Peter; Gatt, Guzi; Fenech, Michael
1994-08-16Il-profeta (Theatre programme)Iljieli Mediterranji; Gibran, Kahlil; Gatt, Guzi; Said, Dominic; Zahra, Ruben
1994Il-profeta (Theatre script extracts)Gibran, Kahlil; Gatt, Guzi
1994-09-12[Iljieli Mediterranji : Correspondence to Guzi Gatt]Iljieli Mediterranji; Sant, Alfred; Gatt, Guzi