Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022 | Association of hyperferritinemia with distinct host response aberrations in patients with community-acquired pneumonia | Brands, Xanthe; Engelen, Tjitske S.R. van; Vries, Floris M. C. de; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Kanglie, Maadrika M. N. P.; Berk, Inge A. H. van den; Schuurman, Alex R.; Peters-Sengers, Hessel; Otto, Natasja A.; Faber, Daniël R.; Lutter, René; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Stoker, Jaap; Prins, Jan M.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Poll, Tom van der |
2022 | Bacterial and viral respiratory tract microbiota and host characteristics in adults with lower respiratory tract infections : a case-control study | Haak, Bastiaan W.; Brands, Xanthe; Davids, Mark; Peters-Sengers, Hessel; Kullberg, Robert F. J.; Houdt, Robin van; Hugenholtz, Floor; Faber, Daniël R.; Zaaijer, Hans L.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der; Joost Wiersinga, W. |
2024 | Causal inference can lead us to modifiable mechanisms and informative archetypes in sepsis | Kenneth Baillie, J.; Angus, Derek C.; Burnham, Katie; Calandra, Thierry; Calfee, Carolyn; Gutteridge, Alex; Hacohen, Nir; Khatri, Purvesh; Langley, Raymond; Ma’ayan, Avi; Marshall, John; Maslove, David; Prescott, Hallie C.; Rowan, Kathy; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Seymour, Christopher; Shankar-Hari, Manu; Shapiro, Nathan; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Singer, Mervyn; Randolph, Adrienne G. |
2020 | Concurrent immune suppression and hyperinflammation in patients with community-acquired pneumonia | Brands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Otto, Natasja A.; Faber, Daniël R.; Lutter, René; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Poll, Tom van der |
2020 | Corrigendum : concurrent immune suppression and hyperinflammation in patients with community-acquired pneumonia | Brands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Otto, Natasja A.; Faber, Daniël R.; Lutter, René; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Poll, Tom van der |
2022 | Effect of intravenous clarithromycin in patients with sepsis, respiratory and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome : a randomized clinical trial | Karakike, Eleni; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Roumpoutsou, Maria; Mitrou, Ioannis; Karampela, Niki; Karageorgos, Athanasios; Psaroulis, Konstantinos; Massa, Eleni; Pitsoulis, Achillefs; Chaloulis, Panagiotis; Pappa, Evanthia; Schrijver, Irene T.; Frantzeskaki, Frantzeska; Lada, Malvina; Dauby, Nicolas; Bels, David De; Floros, Ioannis; Anisoglou, Souzana; Antoniadou, Eleni; Patrani, Maria; Vlachogianni, Glykeria; Mouloudi, Eleni; Antoniadou, Anastasia; Grimaldi, David; Roger, Thierry; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Tsangaris, Iraklis; Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Evangelos J. |
2021 | An epigenetic and transcriptomic signature of immune tolerance in human monocytes through multi-omics integration | Brands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Butler, Joe M.; Uhel, Fabrice; Qin, Wanhai; Otto, Natasja A.; Jakobs, Marja E.; Faber, Daniël R.; Lutter, René; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Poll, Tom van der; Scicluna, Brendon P. |
2017 | The gut microbiota as a modulator of innate immunity during melioidosis | Lankelma, Jacqueline M.; Birnie, Emma; Weehuizen, Tassili A. F.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Belzer, Clara; Houtkooper, Riekelt H.; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.; Vos, Alex F. de; Poll, Tom van der; Budding, Andries E.; Joost Wiersinga, W. |
2016 | The gut microbiota plays a protective role in the host defence against pneumococcal pneumonia | Schuijt, Tim J.; Lankelma, Jacqueline M.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Sousa e Melo, Felipe de; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.; Boer, J. Daan de; Hoogendijk, Arjan J.; Beer, Regina de; Vos, Alex F. de; Belzer, Clara; Vos, Willem M. de; Poll, Tom van der; Joost Wiersinga, W. |
2022 | The host response in different aetiologies of community-acquired pneumonia | Schuurman, Alex R.; Reijnders, Tom D. Y.; Engelen, Tjitske S.R. van; Léopold, Valentine; Brabander, Justin de; Linge, Christine van; Schinkel, Michiel; Pereverzeva, Liza; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Brands, Xanthe; Kanglie, Maadrika M. N. P.; Berk, Inge A. H. van den; Douma, Renée A.; Faber, Daniël R.; Nanayakkara, Prabath W. B.; Stoker, Jaap; Prins, Jan M.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Poll, Tom van der |
2023 | Inflammatory and glycolytic programs underpin a primed blood neutrophil state in patients with pneumonia | Schuurman, Alex R.; Butler, Joe M.; Michels, Erik H.A.; Otto, Natasja A.; Brands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Uhel, Fabrice; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Faber, Daniël R.; Schomakers, Bauke V.; van Weeghel, Michel; de Vos, Alex F.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Houtkooper, Riekelt H.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; van der Poll, Tom |
2024 | Inflammatory subphenotypes previously identified in ARDS are associated with mortality at intensive care unit discharge : a secondary analysis of a prospective observational study | Slim, Marleen A.; van Amstel, Rombout B. E.; Bos, Lieuwe D. J.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; van der Poll, Tom; van Vught, Lonneke A.; de Beer, M.; Bos, Lieuwe D. J.; Glas, Gerie J.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; van Hooijdonk, Roosmarijn T. M.; Horn, Janneke; Huson, Mischa A.; Schouten, Laura R. A.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Straat, Marleen; van Vught, Lonneke A.; Wieske, Luuk; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Witteveen, Esther; Bonten, Marc J. M.; Cremer, Olaf M.; Ong, David S. Y.; Frencken, Jos F.; Klein Klouwenberg, Peter M. C.; Koster‐Brouwer, Maria E.; van de Groep, Kirsten; Verboom, Diana M.; MARS Consortium |
2021 | Integrated single-cell analysis unveils diverging immune features of COVID-19, influenza, and other community-acquired pneumonia | Schuurman, Alex R.; Reijnders, Tom D. Y.; Saris, Anno; Ramirez Moral, Ivan; Schinkel, Michiel; Brabander, Justin de; Linge, Christine van; Vermeulen, Louis; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Vieira Braga, Felipe A.; Poll, Tom van der |
2022 | Intracellular pyruvate levels positively correlate with cytokine production capacity in tolerant monocytes from patients with pneumonia | Otto, Natasja A.; Butler, Joe M.; Schuurman, Alex R.; Brands, Xanthe; Haak, Bastiaan W.; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Weeghel, Michel van; Houtkooper, Riekelt H.; Jakobs, Marja E.; Faber, Daniël R.; Vos, Alex F. de; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der |
2022 | Patients with hypothermic sepsis have a unique gene expression profile compared to patients with fever and sepsis | Harmon, Matthew B. A.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Wiewel, Maryse A.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Horn, Janneke; Cremer, Olaf L.; Poll, Tom van der; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Juffermans, Nicole P.; MARS Consortium |
2021 | Rectal bacteriome and virome signatures and clinical outcomes in community-acquired pneumonia : an exploratory study | Kullberg, Robert F. J.; Hugenholtz, Floor; Brands, Xanthe; Kinsella, Cormac M.; Peters-Sengers, Hessel; Butler, Joe M.; Deijs, Martin; Klein, Michelle; Faber, Daniël R.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der; Hoek, Lia Van der; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Haak, Bastiaan W. |
2022 | Rectal microbiota are coupled with altered cytokine production capacity following community-acquired pneumonia hospitalization | Kullberg, Robert F.J.; Brands, Xanthe; Klarenbeek, Augustijn M.; Butler, Joe M.; Otto, Natasja A.; Faber, Daniël R.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Poll, Tom van der; Joost Wiersinga, W.; Haak, Bastiaan W. |
2016 | Risk factors, host response and outcome of hypothermic sepsis | Wiewel, Maryse A.; Harmon, Matthew B.; Vught, Lonneke A. van; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Hoogendijk, Arie J.; Horn, Janneke; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Cremer, Olaf L.; Bonten, Marc M.J.; Schultz, Marcus J.; Poll, Tom van der; Juffermans, Nicole P.; Joost Wiersinga, W. |