Browsing by Author Mangion, Margaret

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Are STEM students creative thinkers?Borg Preca, Christabel; Baldacchino, Leonie; Briguglio, Marie; Mangion, Margaret
2022Assessing creativity in secondary schools : a focus on the impact of an arts-based interventionBriguglio, Marie; Baldacchino, Leonie; Mangion, Margaret
2023Beyond ‘cold’ creative metacognition : toward a more integrated frameworkBeghetto, Ronald A.; Mangion, Margaret
2023Calling out for the possible! Is it our chance to make it right?Mangion, Margaret; Valquaresma, Andreia
2022Collecting data online from young students during a pandemic. ReflectionsMangion, Margaret
2022Creative cognitionMangion, Margaret
2024Creativity and innovation 4.0. fostering renewal through possibility thinkingMangion, Margaret
2024Creativity as a skill for lifelong learning and how to nurture it in the workplaceMangion, Margaret
2022Edward de Bono's outstanding original contributionMangion, Margaret; Dingli, Sandra M.
2024Exploring pedagogies of the possible in primary education : an experimental study on teacher engagement with possibility spacesMangion, Margaret; Valquaresma, Andreia; Glaveanu, Vlad Petre
2024Exploring possibility spaces : a framework for fostering creativity and imagination in primary school studentsMangion, Margaret; Valquaresma, Andreia
-Exploring the impact of an immersive method of instruction in higher educationMangion, Margaret; Curmi, Franco
2022Exploring the links between ethical leadership, creativity and the work environment in hospital wardsMangion, Margaret; Scicluna, Katrina
2022Factors influencing transfer of learning in the ICT sector. A conceptual frameworkMangion, Margaret
2022Fostering creativity as a 21st century skill through STEMBorg Preca, Christabel; Baldacchino, Leonie; Briguglio, Marie; Mangion, Margaret
2024Fostering creativity through self-regulation: insights from primary school studentsMangion, Margaret
2024Getting ready for the post-Anthropocene : hopeful possibilities?Mangion, Margaret; Valquaresma, Andreia
2022-06-15Immersive learning as a pedagogical method in higher educationMangion, Margaret; Curmi, Franco
2022Inclusive entrepreneurship. New opportunitiesMangion, Margaret
2024The interplay between critical thinking disposition, mindfulness disposition, and creative self-concept among allied health practitionersMangion, Margaret; Baldacchino, Leonie