Browsing by Author Micallef, Anton

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Application of function analysis to bathing areas in the Maltese IslandsMicallef, Anton; Williams, Allan T.
2018Application of the Coastal Hazard Wheel to assess erosion on the Maltese coastMicallef, Stefan; Micallef, Anton; Galdies, Charles
2013Basic principles on trust in Maltese lawMicallef, Anton
2010Coastal scenic assessment : unlocking the potential for coastal tourism in rural Pakistan via Mediterranean developed techniquesUllah, Zia; Johnson, David; Micallef, Anton; Williams, Allan T.
2002A comparison of tourist evaluation of beaches in Malta, Romania and TurkeyBlakemore, F. Brian; Williams, Allan T.; Coman, Claudia; Micallef, Anton; Unal, Ozlem
2003Designing a bathing area management plan - a template for Ramla Bay, GozoMicallef, Anton
2001Environmental risk assessment : application to a proposed beach nourishment, MaltaMicallef, Anton; Williams, Allan T.; Cassar, M.
2008A guide to selected beaches in Malta and Ragusa, SicilyMicallef, Anton; Cassar, Michelle; Cassar, Michelle; Gal CoPAI; University of Malta. International Environment Institute
2014High resolution agriculture land cover using aerial digital photography and GIS : a case study for small island statesGaldies, Charles; Betts, John Charles; Vassallo, Antonella; Micallef, Anton
2014The impact of jellyfish blooms on the Maltese aquaculture industryPulis, Kristian; Micallef, Anton; Deidun, Alan
2000An improved user-based beach climate indexMorgan, Robert F.; Gatell, E.; Junyent, Rosa; Micallef, Anton; Ozhan, Erdal; Williams, Allan T.
1990The international protection of human rights and freedoms : recent efforts in MaltaMicallef, Anton
2017Investigating the use of UAV systems for photogrammetric applications : a case study of Ramla Bay (Gozo, Malta)Colica, Emanuele; Micallef, Anton; D'Amico, Sebastiano; Cassar, Louis F.; Galdies, Charles
2017Jellyfish blooms perception in Mediterranean finfish aquacultureBosch-Belmar, Mar; Azzurro, Ernesto; Pulis, Kristian; Milisenda, Giacomo; Fuentes, Verónica; Daly-Yahia, Ons Kéfi; Micallef, Anton; Deidun, Alan; Pirainoa, Stefano
2006-12Management of coastal recreational resources: beaches, yacht marinas, and eco-tourismMicallef, Anton
2017Marine notches in the Maltese Islands (central Mediterranean Sea)Furlani, Stefano; Antonioli, Fabrizio; Gambin, Timmy; Gauci, Ritienne; Ninfo, Andrea; Zavagno, Enrico; Micallef, Anton; Cucchi, Franco
2020-05Risk perception and social vulnerability of population in coastal areas subject to climate change in two Mediterranean regionsAntronico, Loredana; Coscarelli, Roberto; D'Amico, Sebastiano; De Pascale, Francesco; Di Matteo, Dante; Micallef, Anton
2009Shore platform denudation measurements along the Maltese coastlineMicallef, Anton; Williams, Allan T.
2002Theoretical strategy considerations for beach managementMicallef, Anton; Williams, Allan T.
1994Towards an integrated coastal zone policy for the Maltese IslandsGaldies, Charles; Micallef, Anton