Browsing by Author Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-10Accessibility and safety of antipsychotics in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescentsSadaf, Shaista; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Attard Pizzuto, Maresca; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2024Advancing pharmacovigilance practices : a collaborative approach through educationSerracino-Inglott, Anthony; Mamo, Maria; Abbas, Amar; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana
2018-09Affordability of risperidone and aripiprazole for the treatment of autism spectrum disorderSadaf, Shaista; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Zarb Adami, Maurice; Attard Pizzuto, Maresca; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2020Amitriptyline reconsidered : the relevance of dosage regimen, serum concentrations, genotypic measures and adverse outcomesMifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; LaFerla, Godfrey
2017-09Amitriptyline revisited : pharmacogenetic implications in antidepressant treatmentMifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Grech, Anton; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; LaFerla, Godfrey
2018-11Analysis of amitriptyline and its metabolitesMifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Sammut Bartolo, Nicolette; Vella Szijj, Janis; Ferrito, Victor; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; LaFerla, Godfrey
2019-09Awareness and attitudes of pharmacists and physicians towards pharmacogenetic testingXuereb, Althea Marie; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Wirth, Francesca; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2020Cannabis for medicinal purposes : legislative, regulatory and clinical implicationsMifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Vella, Kristina; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Gauci, Charmaine
2020Development of an applied course in biochemistry for pharmacy studentsVella Szijj, Janis; Attard Pizzuto, Maresca; Wirth, Francesca; Falzon, Sephorah; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Gauci, Marise; Grech, Louise; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Azzopardi, Lilian M.
2022Evaluation of pharmaceutical analysis tutorialsVella Szijj, Janis; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Tejada Rodriguez, Eva; Azzopardi, Lilian M.
2018-11Impact of cultural variations on autism spectrum disorder treatmentSadaf, Shaista; Attard Pizzuto, Maresca; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Zarb Adami, Maurice; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2018Implications of mobile phase composition and pH on the chromatographic separation of amitriptyline and its metabolite nortriptylineMifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Scorpiniti, Manuel; Sammut Bartolo, Nicolette; Vella Szijj, Janis; Ferrito, Victor; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; LaFerla, Godfrey
2021The interplay between pharmacogenetics, concomitant drugs and blood levels of amitriptyline and its main metabolitesMifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Casha, Marilyn; Grech, Anton; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; LaFerla, Godfrey
2019-05Moving towards regulatory sciences through educational initiativesAttard, Annalise; Muscat, Caroline; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2020Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) seminar for healthcare professionalsSerracino-Inglott, Anthony; Gauci, Charmaine; Muscat, Caroline; Falzon, Sephorah; Camilleri, Charlene; Vella, Kristina; Attard, Annalise; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana
2019An online approach to enhance awareness on pharmacogenetics among pharmacists and physiciansXuereb, Althea Marie; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Wirth, Francesca; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2019-03Perception of hospital pharmacists towards pharmacogenetic testingXuereb, Althea Marie; Wirth, Francesca; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2022Pharmacist and physician perception of pharmacogenetic testingBruno Xuereb, Althea Marie; Wirth, Francesca; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Camilleri, Liberato; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2019-05Pharmacists competence to resolve the therapeutic challenge of the valsartan sagaMuscat, Caroline; Attard, Annalise; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
2018-11Pharmacogenetic testing for drugs used in malignancyXuereb, Althea Marie; Wirth, Francesca; Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony