Browsing by Author Mizzi, Dennis

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 69  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201160 years of Qumran archaeologyMizzi, Dennis
2016The animal bone deposits at Qumran : an unsolvable riddle?Mizzi, Dennis
2004The archaeology of buildings : an in-depth case study on the building techniques at Tas-SilgMizzi, Dennis
2018Archaeology of QumranMizzi, Dennis
2016The archaeology of the Holy Land : from the destruction of Solomon’s Temple to the Muslim conquest [Book review]Mizzi, Dennis
2024Archival and scientific analyses of the Allegro Qumran-type jar and lidMizzi, Dennis; Taylor, Joan E.; Badreshany, Kamal; Fidanzio, Marcello
2021Between method and interpretation : remarks on the archaeology of Qumran in light of two recent final reportsMizzi, Dennis; Magness, Jodi
2018-12The Bible in stone : excavations of an ancient synagogue at Huqoq, IsraelMizzi, Dennis
2018Bible stories in the Huqoq Synagogue mosaic floor : interim report on the 2011–2017 seasons [in Hebrew]Magness, Jodi; Kisilevitz, Shua; Grey, Matthew J.; Mizzi, Dennis; Britt, Karen; Boustan, Ra'anan
2023The burial of sealed jars in the Qumran cemetery : disposal of consecrated property?Mizzi, Dennis
2023A first-century BCE chalk-vessel assemblage from Har Ḥoma, Jerusalem, and the beginning of the chalk-vessel industryMizzi, Dennis; Zilberstein, Ayala; Sandhaus, Débora; Avner, Rina; Kisilevitz, Shua
2017From the Judaean Desert to the Great Sea : Qumran in a Mediterranean contextMizzi, Dennis
2010The glass from Khirbet Qumran : what does it tell us about the Qumran community?Mizzi, Dennis
2018Huqoq - 2017 : preliminary reportMagness, Jodi; Kisilevitz, Shua; Grey, Matthew J.; Mizzi, Dennis; Britt, Karen
2020Huqoq 2019 - preliminary reportMagness, Jodi; Kisilevitz, Shua; Grey, Matthew J.; Mizzi, Dennis; Burney, Jocelyn; Britt, Karen; Boustan, Ra'anan
2023Huqoq 2022 – preliminary reportMagness, Jodi; Mizzi, Dennis; Grey, Matthew J.; Burney, Jocelyn; Cline, Rangar; Wells, Martin; Britt, Karen; Boustan, Ra'anan
2024Huqoq 2023 : preliminary reportMagness, Jodi; Mizzi, Dennis; Grey, Matthew J.; Burney, Jocelyn; Wells, Martin; Britt, Karen; Boustan, Ra'anan
2018The Huqoq Excavation Project : 2014-2017 interim reportMagness, Jodi; Kisilevitz, Shua; Grey, Matthew J.; Mizzi, Dennis; Schindler, Daniel; Wells, Martin; Britt, Karen; Boustan, Ra'anan; O'Connell, Shana; Hubbard, Emily; George, Jessie; Ramsay, Jennifer; Boaretto, Elisabetta; Chazan, Michael
2016Huqoq – 2015 : preliminary reportMagness, Jodi; Kisilevitz, Shua; Grey, Matthew J.; Mizzi, Dennis; Britt, Karen
2017Huqoq-2016 : preliminary reportMagness, Jodi; Kisilevitz, Shua; Grey, Matthew J.; Mizzi, Dennis; Britt, Karen