Browsing by Author Mizzi, Joseph

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Acute modified Blalock-Taussing shunt obstruction successfully treated with urokinase and heparinMizzi, Joseph; Grech, Victor E.
2012Current weaning practices in a group of Maltese parentsMizzi, Joseph; Zammit, Valerie
2003Hypothermia in the early neonatal periodMizzi, Joseph; Sultana, Paul
2007Hypothermia in the early neonatal period : follow-up studyMizzi, Joseph; Vella Muskat, Ruth
2015Il-bini tal-knisja ġdidaMizzi, Joseph
2015Il-festa ta' "Corpus Domini"Mizzi, Joseph
2016Ismijiet Maltin li ma jintesew qattMizzi, Joseph
1993Melita Theologica : volume 44 : issue 2Abela, Anthony; Eminyan, Maurice; Cilia, David; Mizzi, Joseph
1994Melita Theologica : volume 45 : issue 1Abela, Anthony; Eminyan, Maurice; Cilia, David; Mizzi, Joseph
1994Melita Theologica : volume 45 : issue 2Abela, Anthony; Eminyan, Maurice; Cilia, David; Mizzi, Joseph
2021-04Nofs Seklu Kotba : Programmes 1-13Grech, Sergio; Mizzi, Joseph
2013-10-18Physicochemical characterization of Gozitan honeyAttard, Everaldo; Mizzi, Joseph
2012Prevalence of obesity in a paediatric outpatient clinicMizzi, Joseph; Aquilina, Samuel; Vella, Cecil
2019Rużar BriffaMizzi, Joseph
2005Santa Luċija u t-Tieni Gwerra DinjijaMizzi, Joseph
2008SIDS and infant sleeping position : audit on the advisory campaign in MaltaMizzi, Joseph; Pace Parascandalo, Rita; Attard Montalto, Simon
2011Taxation of trusts in Malta : an anti-abuse perspectiveMizzi, Joseph
2023A tribute to Mario Tabone (1938-2022)Mizzi, Joseph