Browsing by Author Montefort, Stephen

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201610-15 years old children living in Malta are at higher risk for developing allergic respiratory diseases than those living in Southern SicilyDrago, Gaspare; Balzan, Martin; Ruggieri, Silvia; Bilocca, David; Zammit, Christopher; Colombo, Paolo; Piva, Giuseppe; Cuttitta, Giuseppina; Bucchieri, Salvatore; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni; Cibella, Fabio
2011Acetaminophen use and risk of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in adolescents : ISAAC Phase ThreeBeasley, Richard; Clayton, Tadd O.; Crane, Julian; Lai, Christopher K. W.; Montefort, Stephen; Von Mutius, Erika; Stewart, Alistair W.; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
2011Acetaminophen use and risk of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in adolescents : international study of asthma and allergies in childhood phase threeBeasley, Richard W.; Clayton, Tadd O.; Crane, Julian; Lai, Christopher K.W.; Montefort, Stephen; Mutius, Erika von; Stewart, Alistair W.; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
2019-12Addressing the need for an adult allergy clinic in MaltaGouder, Caroline; Sammut, Patrick; Montefort, Stephen
2002Allergic conditions in 5–8-year-old Maltese schoolchildren : prevalence, severity, and associated risk factors [ISAAC]Montefort, Stephen; Agius Muscat, Hugo; Caruana, Simone; Lenicker, Herbert Manfred
2009Antibiotic use in infancy and symptoms of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in children 6 and 7 years old : International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Phase IIIFoliaki, Sunia; Pearce, Neil; Bjorksten, Bengt; Mallol, Javier; Montefort, Stephen; Von Mutius, Erika; International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, Phase III Study Group
2021ARIA‐EAACI care pathways for allergen immunotherapy in respiratory allergyBousquet, Jean; Pfaar, Oliver; Agache, Ioana; Bedbrook, Anna; Akdis, Cezmi A.; Canonica, G Walter; Chivato, Tomas; Al‐Ahmad, Mona; Abdul Latiff, Amir H.; Ansotegui, Ignacio J.; Bachert, Claus; Baharuddin, Abdullah; Bergmann, Karl‐Christian; Bindslev‐Jensen, Carsten; Bjermer, Leif; Bonini, Matteo; Bosnic‐Anticevich, Sinthia; Bosse, Isabelle; Brough, Helen A.; Brussino, Luisa; Calderon, Moises A.; Caraballo, Luis; Cardona, Victoria; Carreiro‐Martins, Pedro; Casale, Tomas; Cecchi, Lorenzo; Cepeda Sarabia, Alfonso M.; Chkhartishvili, Ekaterine; Chu, Derek K.; Cirule, Ieva; Cruz, Alvaro A.; Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa; Giacco, Stefano Del; Demoly, Pascal; Devillier, Philippe; Dokic, Dejan; Durham, Stephen L.; Ebisawa, Motohiro; El‐Gamal, Yehia; Emuzyte, Regina; Gamkrelidze, Amiran; Fauquert, Jean Luc; Fiocchi, Alessandro; Fokkens, Wytske J.; Fonseca, Joao A.; Fontaine, Jean‐François; Gawlik, Radoslaw; Gelincik, Asli; Gemicioglu, Bilun; Gereda, Jose E.; Wijk, Roy Gerth van; Gomez, R. Maximiliano; Gotua, Maia; Grisle, Ineta; Guzmán, Maria‐Antonieta; Haahtela, Tari; Halken, Susanne; Heffler, Enrico; Hoffmann‐Sommergruber, Karin; Hossny, Elham; Hrubiško, Martin; Irani, Carla; Ivancevich, Juan Carlos; Ispayeva, Zhanat; Julge, Kaja; Kaidashev, Igor; Kalayci, Omer; Khaitov, Musa; Klimek, Ludger; Knol, Edward; Kowalski, Marek L.; Kraxner, Helga; Kull, Inger; Kuna, Piotr; Kvedariene, Violeta; Kritikos, Vicky; Lauerma, Antti; Lau, Susanne; Laune, Daniel; Levin, Michael; Larenas‐Linnemann, Desiree E.; Lodrup Carlsen, Karin C.; Lombardi, Carlo; Lourenço, Olga M.; Mahboub, Bassam; Malling, Hans‐Jørgen; Manning, Patrick; Marshall, Gailen D.; Melén, Erik; Meltzer, Eli O.; Miculinic, Neven; Milenkovic, Branislava; Moin, Mostafa; Montefort, Stephen; Morais‐Almeida, Mario; Mortz, Charlotte G.; Mösges, Ralph; Mullol, Joaquim; Namazova Baranova, Leyla; Neffen, Hugo; Nekam, Kristof; Niedoszytko, Marek; Odemyr, Mikaëla; Hehir, Robyn E O'; Ollert, Markus; Mahony, Liam O'; Ohta, Ken; Okamoto, Yoshitaka; Okubo, Kimi; Pajno, Giovanni B.; Palomares, Oscar; Palkonen, Susanna; Panzner, Petr; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G.; Park, Hae‐Sim; Passalacqua, Giovanni; Patella, Vincenzo; Pawankar, Ruby; Pham‐Thi, Nhân; Plavec, Davor; Popov, Todor A.; Recto, Marysia; Regateiro, Frederico S.; Riggioni, Carmen; Roberts, Graham; Rodriguez‐Gonzales, Monica; Rosario, Nelson; Rottem, Menachem; Rouadi, Philip W.; Ryan, Dermot; Samolinski, Boleslaw; Sanchez‐Borges, Mario; Serpa, Faradiba S.; Sastre, Joaquin; Scadding, Glenis K.; Shamji, Mohamed H.; Schmid‐Grendelmeier, Peter; Schünemann, Holger J.; Sheikh, Aziz; Scichilone, Nicola; Carlos Sisul, Juan; Sofiev, Mikhail; Solé, Dirceu; Sooronbaev, Talant; Soto‐Martinez, Manuel; Soto‐Quiros, Manuel; Sova, Milan; Schwarze, Jürgen; Skypala, Isabel; Suppli‐Ulrik, Charlotte
2013Aspiration of a speaking valveSchembri, John; Cortis, Kelvin; Mallia Azzopardi, Charles; Montefort, Stephen
2021An assessment of the performance of low dose CT thorax (CT pneumonia) as a screening tool in the diagnosis of Covid-19Pace Bardon, Michael; Cassar, Julian; Balzan, Gabriella; Cassar, Peter; Conti, Luca; Mallia, Nicola; Brincat, Stephanie; Schembri, Emma; Balzan, Martin; Farrugia, Yanika; Fsadni, Peter; Galea, Gabriel; Pullicino, Richard; Mizzi, Adrian; Montefort, Stephen
2016Association between obstructive sleep apnea and atopy in adult Maltese patientsGouder, Caroline; Fsadni, Peter; Vella, Claire; Gauci, Jonathan; Fsadni, Claudia; Gouder, Simon; Deguara, Christopher; Montefort, Stephen
2008Association between paracetamol use in infancy and childhood, and risk of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in children aged 6–7 years : analysis from Phase Three of the ISAAC programmeBeasley, Richard; Clayton, Tadd O.; Crane, Julian; Von Mutius, Erika; Lai, Christopher K. W.; Montefort, Stephen; Stewart, Alistair W.; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
2020The association between pleural fluid exposure and survival in malignant pleural mesothelioma : a retrospective cohort study in 761 patientsAsciak, Rachelle; Kanellakis, Nikolaos; Kidd, Andrew; Bibby, Anna; Maskell, Nick; Blyth, Kevin; Mercer, Rachel; Fsadni, Peter; Montefort, Stephen; Psallidas, Ioannis; Rahman, Najib
2020The association between pleural fluid exposure and survival in pleural mesotheliomaAsciak, Rachelle; Kanellakis, Nikolaos I.; Bibby, Anna; Kidd, Andrew; Gerry, Stephen; Mercer, Rachel; Maskell, Nick; Blyth, Kevin G.; Fsadni, Peter; Montefort, Stephen; Psallidas, Ioannis; Rahman, Najib M
2020Association between the concentration and the elemental composition of outdoor PM2. 5 and respiratory diseases in schoolchildren : a multicenter study in the Mediterranean areaZammit, Christopher; Bilocca, David; Ruggieri, Silvia; Drago, Gaspare; Perrino, Cinzia; Canepari, Silvia; Balzan, Martin; Montefort, Stephen; Viegi, Giovanni; Cibella, Fabio
2012The association between tobacco and the risk of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in children and adolescents : analyses from Phase Three of the ISAAC programmeMitchell, Edwin A.; Beasley, Richard; Keil, Ulrich; Montefort, Stephen; Odhiambo, Joseph; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
2004Association of asthma and allergic rhinitis with celiac diseaseEllul, Pierre; Vassallo, Mario; Montefort, Stephen
2012Association of pertussis and measles infections and immunizations with asthma and allergic sensitization in ISAAC Phase TwoNagel, Gabriele; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Flohr, Carsten; Kleiner, Andrea; Strachan, David P.; Montefort, Stephen; ISAAC Phase Two Study Group
1998Asthma, rhinitis and eczema in Maltese 13-15 year-old schoolchildren - prevalence, severity and associated factors (ISAAC)Montefort, Stephen; Lenicker, Herbert Manfred; Caruna, S.; Agius Muscat, Hugo
2014Atypical cavitary lung lesions : a case report and review of radiologic manifestationsGerada, Eleanor; Gatt, Noel; Mizzi, Adrian; Montefort, Stephen
2024Audit on oxygen prescription and administration in adult inpatient wards at Mater Dei HospitalBorg, Darren; Muscat, Craig; Elsadi, Sumaya; Anderson, Ariaga; Montefort, Stephen