Browsing by Author Mule’ Stagno, Luciano

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Analysis of the potential of a wave energy conversion system for Maltese watersXuereb, Annalise; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Sant, Tonio; Drago, Aldo; Azzopardi, Joel; Gauci, Adam
1997Applications of scanning optical microscopy in materials science to detect bulk microdefects in semiconductorsTorok, Peter; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano
2014Assessing the design options for the optimisation of a 2MWp ground mounted PV system in MaltaVassallo, Emanuel; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano
2013Blue Ocean Energy projectMule’ Stagno, Luciano
2001Czochralski process for growing single crystal silicon by controlling the cooling rate : WO 01/21861 A1McCallum, Kirk D.; Brock, Alexander W.; Mobsen, Banan; Falster, Robert J.; Holzer, Joseph C.; Johnson, Bayard K.; Kim, Chang B.; Kimbel, Steven L.; Lu, Zheng; Mutti, Paolo; Voronkov, Vladimir V.; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Libbert, Jeffrey L.
2004Czochralski process for growing single crystal silicon by controlling the cooling rate : WO 2001/021861McCallum, K. D.; Alexander, W. B.; Banan, M.; Falster, R. J.; Holzer, J. C.; Johnson, B. K.; Kim, C. B.; Kimbel, S. L.; Lu, Z.; Mutti, P.; Voronkov, V. V.; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Libbert, J. L.
2015Design of a linear electrical machine for a wave generation system in the Maltese watersXuereb, Annalise; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Sant, Tonio; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Sayigh, Ali
2002Dissociation of nitrogen-oxygen complexes by rapid thermal anneal heat treatmentsLibbert, J. L.; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Banan, M.
2010The Eco-Gozo concept : from a sustainable energy perspectiveFarrugia, Robert N.; Fsadni, Mario; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Weissenbacher, Manfred; Yousif, Charles
2021The effect of wave response motion on the insolation on offshore photovoltaic installationsBugeja, Ryan; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Branch, Nicolas
2001Epitaxial silicon wafers substantially free of grown-in defects : U.S. Patent No. 6,284,039 B1Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Fei, Lu; Holzer, Joseph C.; Korb, Harold W.; Falster, Robert J.
2003Epitaxial wafer substantially free of grown-in defects : U. S. Patent No. 6,565,649 B2Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Fei, Lu; Holzer, Joseph C.; Korb, Harold W.; Falster, Robert J.
2014Floating photovoltaics – technological issues, cost and practical implicationsMule’ Stagno, Luciano
2023Full-scale design, implementation and testing of an innovative photovoltaic cooling system (IPCoSy)Bugeja, Ryan; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Niarchos, Ioannis
2017Gauging the effectiveness of a resource management awareness campaign on a central Mediterranean islandRefalo, Paul; Farrugia, Robert N.; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Yousif, Charles; Sant, Tonio; Jakkel, Nora; Zammit, Anthony; Portelli, Joseph
2018Harnessing the power of the sunSonntag, Hans-Joachim; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano
2003Ideal oxygen precipitating silicon wafers with nitrogen/carbon stabilized oxygen precipitate nucleation centers and process for making the same : U. S. Patent Application Publication No. 2003/0136961 A1Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Libbert, Jeffrey L.; Phillips, Richard J.; Kulkarni, Milind; Banan, Mohsen; Brunkhorst, Stephen J.
2018In search of perfect siliconMule’ Stagno, Luciano
2021Income maximisation in a Maltese household photovoltaic system by means of output and consumption simulationsZingariello, Daniele; Demicoli, Marija; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano
2013Increasing PV module output with flat reflectors – a scenario in MaltaGrech, Martin; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Yousif, Charles