Browsing by Author Munro, Dane

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johan Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 (1)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2012Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (2)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2012Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (3)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2013Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (4)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2014Album Amicorum : das Freundschaftsbuch des Freiherrn Johann Jakob zu Königsegg : Ingolstadt, Rom, Bologna, Perugia und Florenz 1604-1619 [Fortsetzung] (5)Boxler, Horst; Munro, Dane
2017Contextualising fulfilment in faith-based tourism to Malta within the pilgrim-tourist dichotomyMunro, Dane
2024-11Covering the streets of Valletta. Curbing UV and urban heat.Munro, Dane
2021Covid-19 and empty meeting groundsButtigieg, Noel; Munro, Dane
2006Die Johannitergrablegen in der St Johns Co-Cathedral von Valletta auf MaltaMunro, Dane
2020Editorial : conference proceedings, niche market formation for faith-based tourismMunro, Dane
2023[Editorial] Introduction to Food and the pilgrim : nourishment for pilgrims and faith-based touristsMunro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel; Olsen, Daniel H.
2020Encoding and interpreting Neolithic sites : world heritage temples in MaltaMunro, Dane; Avellino, Marie
2020Encoding and interpreting neolithic sites : world heritage temples in MaltaAvellino, Marie; Munro, Dane
2018Epilogue [The struggle for supremacy : the Mediterranean world in 1453 and beyond]Munro, Dane
2023Food and the pilgrim. Nourishment for pilgrims and faith-based touristsMunro, Dane; Buttigieg, Noel; Olsen, Daniel H.
2017Historical perspectives of shifting motives for faith-based travelMunro, Dane
2018The Holy Grail Trail of Malta : a fantastic interpretationMunro, Dane
2007The importance of conserving originality : the editing of neo-latin Baroque textsMunro, Dane
2007The importance of conserving originality in the editing of Neo-Latin Baroque textMunro, Dane
2019In defense of the pure pilgrim : De Re Defensionibus Peregrini CastioriHaller, Stephen F.; Munro, Dane