Browsing by Author Papanas, Nikolaos

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Adherence to therapeutic footwear in type 2 diabetes in MaltaFormosa, Cynthia; Borg, Anthea; Papanas, Nikolaos; Mizzi, Stephen
2018The application of medical thermography to discriminate neuroischemic toe ulceration in the diabetic footGatt, Alfred; Falzon, Owen; Cassar, Kevin; Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Gauci, Jean; Ellul, Christian; Mizzi, Stephen; Mizzi, Anabelle; Papanas, Nikolaos; Sturgeon, Cassandra; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Formosa, Cynthia
2023Diabetic amputations in 2023 are still more frightening than death — act now before it is too lateFormosa, Cynthia; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Gatt, Alfred; Papanas, Nikolaos
2025Diabetic foot amputations : engagement still needed to improve outcomesGatt, Alfred; Formosa, Cynthia; Papanas, Nikolaos
2024Diabetic foot screening guidelines and the role of artificial intelligence : time to turn the tide!Formosa, Cynthia; Chockalingam, Nachiappan; Papanas, Nikolaos; Gatt, Alfred
2022The effect of polyvinyl alcohol antimicrobial foam dressing with two organic pigments vs. silver antimicrobial foam on exuding venous ulcerations : a comparative pilot studyBuhagiar, Isaac Matthias; Gatt, Alfred; Papanas, Nikolaos; Scicluna, Andrew; Farrugia, Claudine; Formosa, Cynthia
2020Empowering patients living with diabetes mellitus to cease smoking will improve lower limb perfusionCamilleri, Terence; Camilleri, Liberato; Midolo, Yvonne; Papanas, Nikolaos; Gatt, Alfred; Formosa, Cynthia
2021Healing and mortality rates following toe amputation in type 2 diabetes mellitusVassallo, Ian Mario; Gatt, Alfred; Cassar, Kevin; Papanas, Nikolaos; Formosa, Cynthia
2018Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in ischaemic foot ulcers in type 2 diabetes : a clinical trialPerren, Sarah; Gatt, Alfred; Papanas, Nikolaos; Formosa, Cynthia
2023Mental health status and quality of life in lower-limb amputees with diabetesCamilleri, Annelise; Gatt, Alfred; Papanas, Nikolaos; Formosa, Cynthia
2020Peripheral vascular changes in the lower limbs following cocaine abuseCamilleri, Nicola'; Mizzi, Anabelle; Gatt, Alfred; Papanas, Nikolaos; Formosa, Cynthia
2024Preventing diabetic foot re-ulceration through an innovative pressure and temperature monitoring clinical deviceSaliba Thorne, Claire; Gatt, Alfred; DeRaffaele, Clifford; Attard, Geoffrey; Formosa, Cynthia; Papanas, Nikolaos
2024Screening for diabetic peripheral neuropathy : subjective versus objective measuresPleven, Stephanie; Papanas, Nikolaos; Gatt, Alfred; Formosa, Cynthia
2019Thermographic characteristics of the diabetic foot with peripheral arterial disease using the angiosome conceptCarabott, Matthew; Formosa, Cynthia; Mizzi, Anabelle; Papanas, Nikolaos; Gatt, Alfred
2024The use of foot orthoses for forefoot pressure reduction via calf muscle stretching. Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysisThiaspras, Loukas; Gatt, Alfred; Formosa, Cynthia; Papanas, Nikolaos