Browsing by Author Pasuto, Alessandro
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Coupling terrestrial and marine datasets for coastal hazard assessment and risk reduction in changing environments - A EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement Project | Soldati, Mauro; Maquaire, Olivier; Micallef, Aaron; Costa, Stephane; Delacourt, Christophe; Foglini, Federica; Jaboyedoff, Michel; Letortu, P.; Lissak, C.; Pasuto, Alessandro; Prampolini, Mariacristina; Tonelli, Chiara |
2013 | Coupling terrestrial and marine datasets for coastal hazard assessment and risk reduction in changing environments : a EUR-OPA major hazards agreement project | Soldati, Mauro; Maquaire, Olivier; Micallef, Aaron; Foglini, Federica; Pasuto, Alessandro; Prampolini, Mariacristina; Tonelli, Chiara; Costa, Stephane; Delacourt, Christophe; Jaboyedoff, Michel |
2012 | Coupling terrestrial and marine datasets for coastal hazard assessment and risk reduction in changing environments – Un Progetto di ricerca nell’ambito dell’EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement del Consiglio d’Europa | Soldati, Mauro; Maquaire, Olivier; Micallef, Aaron; Foglini, Federica; Pasuto, Alessandro; Prampolini, Mariacristina; Tonelli, Chiara; Costa, Stephane; Delacourt, Christophe; Jaboyedoff, Michel |
2012 | Images from a drowned prehistoric landscape : the eastern side of the maltese archipelago | Angeletti, Lorenzo; Foglini, Federica; Galve, Jorge Pedro; Micallef, Aaron; Pasuto, Alessandro; Prampolini, Mariacristina; Soldati, Mauro; Taviani, Marco; Tonelli, Chiara |
2012 | Linking coastal and seafloor morphological features along the eastern side of the Maltese archipelago | Angeletti, Lorenzo; Foglini, Federica; Galve, Jorge Pedro; Micallef, Aaron; Pasuto, Alessandro; Prampolini, Mariacristina; Soldati, Mauro; Taviani, Marco; Tonelli, Chiara |
2013 | The submerged paleolandscape of the Maltese Islands : morphology, evolution and relation to Quaternary environmental change | Micallef, Aaron; Foglini, Federica; Le Bas, Timothy; Angeletti, Lorenzo; Maselli, Vittorio; Pasuto, Alessandro; Taviani, Marco |