Browsing by Author Said Conti, Valerie

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Are routine investigations in acute paediatric admissions justified?Pace, David; Said Conti, Valerie; Attard Montalto, Simon
2015The clinical bank of BBMRI.mtVella, Joanna; Borg, Joseph J.; Grech, Laura; Galdies, Ruth; Scerri, Jeanesse; Cassar, Wilhelmina; Scerri, Christian A.; Camilleri, Alexander; Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Farrugia, Rosienne; Camilleri, G.; Pace, Nikolai Paul; Zammit, E.; Said Conti, Valerie; Grech, Godfrey; Saliba, Christian; Soler, Doriette; Vella, Norbert R.; Borg, Isabella; Said, Edith; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Ellul, Bridget; Felice, T.; Grima, David; Ebejer, Jean Paul; Felice, Alex E.
2015The clinical bank of BBMRI.mtVella, Joanna; Grech, Laura; Scerri, Jeanesse; Scerri, Christian A.; Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Camilleri, Graziella; Zammit, Esther; Grech, Godfrey; Soler, Doriette; Borg, Isabella; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Abela, Mark; Ebejer, Jean Paul; Borg, Joseph N.; Galdies, Ruth; Cassar, Wilhelmina; Camilleri, Alexander; Farrugia, Rosienne; Pace, Nikolai Paul; Said Conti, Valerie; Vella, Norbert R.; Saliba, Christian; Said, Edith; Ellul, Bridget; Grima, David; Felice, Alex E.
2023Early postnatal genetic diagnosis for Joubert Syndrome Type 14De Battista, Nadine Anne; Said Conti, Valerie; Farrugia, Ryan
2009Is 24 hour observation in hospital after stopping intravenous antibiotics in neonates justified?Fenech, Josella; Andrejevic, Hermoine; Said Conti, Valerie; Attard Montalto, Simon
2018Kidney stakesFelice, Alex; Said Conti, Valerie; Zammit, Esther; Curry, Alan; Bonnici, Laura
2023A local study of radiological findings in children diagnosed with urinary tract infectionDe Battista, Nadine Anne; Said Conti, Valerie
2018Malta BioBank ( in RD-ConnectVella, Joanna; Soler, Doriette; Scerri, Christian A.; Vella, Norbert R.; Aquilina, Josanne; Borg, Isabella; Said, Edith; Spiteri, A.; Dalli, J.; Ryabova, L.; Pace, Malcolm; Borg, Joseph J.; Grech, Laura; Camilleri, Alexander; Zammit, E.; Said Conti, Valerie; Pace, Nikolai Paul; Vassallo, Josanne; Felice, Alex E.
2018-07Management of fever in children under 5 years of age within paediatric emergency departmentDe Battista, Nadine Anne; Said Conti, Valerie
2022Nephrocalcinosis in a 13-year-old girl with type 1 diabetes mellitus complicated by Mauriac syndromeBorg, Rebecca; Bartolo, Veronica; Formosa, Nancy; Said Conti, Valerie; Torpiano, John
2013Overview of the blood transfusion policy in preterms on the Neonatal Intensive Care UnitSaid Conti, Valerie; Azzopardi, Eugenio; Parascandalo, Raymond; Soler, Paul; Attard Montalto, Simon
2015-03Rare disease research and the Malta biobankVella, Joanna; Borg, Joseph J.; Grech, Laura; Galdies, Ruth; Scerri, Jeanesse; Cassar, Wilhelmina; Scerri, Christian A.; Grech, Godfrey; Soler, Doriette; Said, Edith; Borg, Isabella; Vella, Norbert R.; Camilleri-Podesta, Marie Therese; Ellul, Bridget; Abela, Mark; Grima, David; Zammit, Esther; Pace, Nikolai Paul; Felice, Alex E.; Said Conti, Valerie
2008The relationship between infecting organisms and underlying structural anomalies in children with urinary tract infectionsVella, Cecil; Torpiano, John G.; Grech, Victor E.; Said Conti, Valerie
2020-07Ulcerated lesions as a risk factor for Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritisBondin, Ramon Ruben; Borg, Charles Joseph; Grech, Victor E.; Said Conti, Valerie
2017-05Whole-genome sequencing for CAKUT in an island populationZammit, Esther; Felice, Alex; Said Conti, Valerie
2014Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis : the case of a perplexing kidneySaid Conti, Valerie; Azzopardi, Christine; Fearne, Christopher; Cuckow, Peter