Browsing by Author Saliba, Paul C.
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | Aims and objectives | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Alternative interpretations | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Appendix I : gazetteer of cart-ruts in the Maltese Island | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Appendix IV : gazetteer of cart-ruts in other parts of the world | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Appendix V : Spanish and Italian summary translation | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Cart-ruts in other parts of the world | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Case sites in the Maltese Islands | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2011 | The conservation project and archaeological excavation of the old Parish Church at Siġġiewi - an intermediate report | Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Dating | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Description, history and archaeology of cart-ruts | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Epilogue | Conti Magro, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2001 | Mawra mal-fdalijiet arkeoloġiċi fix-Xemxija | Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Methodology and documentation techniques | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C.; Bonnici, Herman; Baratin, Laura; Formosa, Saviour |
2007 | Proġett ta’ konservazzjoni : il-knisja parrokkjali l-qadima ta’ San Nikola ta’ Bari, Siġġiewi | Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | The significance of cart-ruts in ancient landscapes | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |
2005 | Vehicles and purposes | Magro Conti, Joseph; Saliba, Paul C. |