Browsing by Author Satariano, Bernadine

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Blue therapeutic spaces on islands : coastal landscapes and their impact on the health and wellbeing of people in MaltaSatariano, Bernadine
2021The complexity of social participation and its variable effects on the health and wellbeing of people living in deprived Maltese neighborhoodsSatariano, Bernadine
2019Diverse socioeconomic processes influencing health and wellbeing across generations in deprived neighbourhoods in MaltaSatariano, Bernadine
2022The emergent inequities and inequalities resulting from lockdown and social distancing measures taken to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic within a Maltese scenarioSatariano, Bernadine; Bajada, Therese
2018The experience of social determinants of health within a Southern European Maltese cultureSatariano, Bernadine; Curtis, Sarah E.
2021-06Fil-Beraħ : children’s use of public open spacesSatariano, Bernadine; Cole, Maureen; Sollars, Valerie; Hili Vassallo, Sandra; Schembri, Xanthe’
2021-06Fil-Beraħ : children’s use of public open spaces [toolkit : how to involve children and young people in the design of open spaces]Satariano, Bernadine; Cole, Maureen; Sollars, Valerie; Hili Vassallo, Sandra; Schembri, Xanthe’
2021Fil-Beraħ : l-esperjenzi tat-tfal tal-użu ta’ spazji pubbliċi [sett ta’ għodod : kif tinvolvi lit-tfal u liż-żgħażagħ fid-disinn ta’ spazji miftuħa]Satariano, Bernadine; Cole, Maureen; Sollars, Valerie; Hili Vassallo, Sandra; Schembri, Xanthe’
2022Food security in MaltaBajada, Therese; Satariano, Bernadine; Camilleri Fenech, Margaret; Radmilli, Rachel
2025From hectic and busy outdoors to hectic and busy indoors? Mobility and activity related insights of families with kids during the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic in MaltaBajada, Therese; Satariano, Bernadine
2023The impact and complex effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the working environment and the use of coworking spaces in MaltaSatariano, Bernadine; Bajada, Therese
2024The importance of location for coworking spaces and the timed city concept, experiences, perceptions, and reality in MaltaBajada, Therese; Satariano, Bernadine; Hossein Chavoshi, Seyed
2019Landform loss and its effect on health and well-being : the collapse of the Azure Window (Gozo) and the resultant reactions of the media and the Maltese communitySatariano, Bernadine; Gauci, Ritienne
2022Lifecourse of place, and intergenerational transmission of health determinants : a long-term view of factors affecting health in two deprived areas in MaltaSatariano, Bernadine; Curtis, Sarah E.
2022Narrations of the countries in Eastern and Southern Europe : MaltaBajada, Therese; Satariano, Bernadine
2022Presenting coworking spaces and chrono-urbanism as a policy package for sustainable mobility in post-pandemic MaltaBajada, Therese; Satariano, Bernadine; Chavoshi, Seyed Hossein
2021Recreating a therapeutic blue urban space through the architectural restoration of the Triton Fountain in Valletta, MaltaSatariano, Bernadine
2020Religion, health, social capital and place : the role of the religious, social processes and the beneficial and detrimental effects on the health and wellbeing of inhabitants in deprived neighbourhoods in MaltaSatariano, Bernadine
2020Social capital, health and place : the two sides of the same coinSatariano, Bernadine
2019Subverting neighbourhood normalcy and the impacts on child wellbeing in MaltaSatariano, Bernadine