Browsing by Author Scerri, Hector

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 191  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Adalbert Hamman (1910-2000). A part-time ecumenist?Scerri, Hector; Societas Oecumenica
1999-04Agħtina qalb ta' ragħajScerri, Hector
2006Alla l-QaddisScerri, Hector
2013The Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei : cross-sectional eological refections and pastoral implicationsScerri, Hector
2013The Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei: cross-sectional theological reflections and pastoral implicationsScerri, Hector
2003-01Appreciation : Fr John Frendo OPScerri, Hector
2023Aspects of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue on ministryScerri, Hector
2007-10Aspetti tat-teoloġija tas-saċerdozju : fl-ittri lis-saċerdoti tal-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II nhar Ħamis ix-XirkaScerri, Hector
2012Aucun homme n'aura exerce sur moi l'influence de Henri de Lubac : (Adalbert Hamman) : Henri de Lubac et Adalbert HammanScerri, Hector
1990Augustine the Manichaean and the problem of evilScerri, Hector
2020Augustine's struggle with the problem of evil and his conversion to Neo-PlatonismScerri, Hector
2007-02Biż-żejt fil-lampa. Min jista' jirċievi s-Sagrament tal-Morda? X'effetti jhalli f'min jirċevih?Scerri, Hector
1997Book Review of Adalbert Hamman, "La vie est un long jour de fete. Memoires"Scerri, Hector
1997Book Review of Adalbert-G. Hamman, La vie est un long jour de fete. MemoiresScerri, Hector
2023[Book review] Bianco Lino, The ring metaphor and the spirit of Sofia and other essaysScerri, Hector
2023[Book review] L-ewwel tliet kotba ta' l-istqarrijiet ta' Santu WistinScerri, Hector
2023[Book review] Lino Bianco : The ring metaphor and the spirit of sofia and other essaysScerri, Hector
1996-05[Book review] Suor Amalia - Schuster: racconti come fiorettiScerri, Hector
2018Book reviews [Melita Theologica, 68(1)] : “Jien s’hawn nista’,” Martinu Luteru: Riforma jew riforma?Scerri, Hector
2012The Christian Agape meal : a manifestation of Koinonia and Diakonia : the contribution of Adalbert-Gautier HammanScerri, Hector