Browsing by Author Sciriha, Lydia

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 63  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Ambigwità fil-kultura Maltija : il-Maltin u l-MaltiSciriha, Lydia; Vassallo, Mario
2001Are immersion programmes the solution to Malta's unofficial monolingualism?Sciriha, Lydia
1996Beginning MalteseSciriha, Lydia
2008Beginning MalteseSciriha, Lydia
2023British English, Maltese English or American English? Attitudes, perceptions and lexical choices among Malta’s bilingual populationVassallo, Mario; Sciriha, Lydia
1990Channels of communication in the field of ELT project design, implementation and evaluationDobrowski, Krzyztof; Ridding, Maggie; Ain, Al; Sciriha, Lydia; Smith, Harvey
1999Che bella figura! The power of performance in an Italian ladies’ club in Chicago [Book Review]Sciriha, Lydia
2020Comparative studies in bilingualism and bilingual educationSciriha, Lydia
2010Continuing Maltese : a lower intermediate to intermediate level courseSciriha, Lydia
2009Different genders, different communication styles? Patterns of interaction between Maltese couples in MaltaSciriha, Lydia
2003Do females pay more compliments than males? A sociolinguistic study of compliment usage in MaltaSciriha, Lydia
2023English in Valletta’s linguistic landscape : a case of instrumental rationality?Sciriha, Lydia; Vassallo, Mario
2021English or Maltese? Language use among university students on social media platformsVassallo, Mario; Sciriha, Lydia
2023English, Italian and other languages : language proficiency skills among tertiary-educated students in bilingual MaltaSciriha, Lydia; Vassallo, Mario
2005EU membership and the common citizen : report from the Maltese study circleVassallo, Mario; Sciriha, Lydia
2013Expert in the spotlight in Oktober/November 2013 : Lydia ScirihaSciriha, Lydia; European Centre on Multilingual and Language Learning
2009Fehmiet il-kontributuri : Lydia ScirihaSciriha, Lydia
1999-08Foreword [Humanitas : volume 1]Sciriha, Lydia
1999The glass ceiling : Maltese women in academiaSciriha, Lydia
1992Guze Muscat Azzopardi, translator of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles : 1895-1924Sciriha, Lydia