Browsing by Author Sladden, David

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Chest wall reconstruction following a speedboat propeller injurySladden, David; Casha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander
2021-05A comparison of intraoperative cell salvage use with cardiotomy suction in cardiothoracic surgeryMuscat, Edward; Miggiani, Timothy; Sladden, David; Manche, Alexander
2015Coronary artery fistulae : 4 cases repaired surgicallyManche, Alexander; Sladden, David; Casha, Aaron
2016Design of a novel vascular plug delivery device for minimally invasive surgical closure of aortic paravalvular leaksBorg, Michael; Sladden, David; Farrugia, Philip
2017The difficulties in identifying and grafting an intramuscular coronary arteryNavarro, Andre; Sladden, David; Casha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander
2019-04The difficulties in identifying and grafting an intramuscular coronary arteryNavarro, Andre; Sladden, David; Casha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander
2016Furosemide-induced eruption of haemorrhagic bullae on the fingersSladden, David; Mizzi, Sean; Casha, Aaron; Manche, Alexander
2016Improving myocardial protection : the key variables which affect troponin release after CABGSladden, David; Camilleri, Liberato; Xeureb, Robert; Galea, Joseph; Schembri, Kevin
2016Laparoscopic omentoplasty and split skin graft for deep sternal wound infection and dehiscence patientSladden, David; Darmanin, Francis X.; Axisa, Benedict; Galea, Joseph; Schembri, Kevin
2015A large pulmonary arteriovenous malformation causing cerebrovascular accidentsSladden, David; Casha, Aaron; Azzopardi, Conrad; Manche, Alexander
2016Limited sanguineous reperfusion reduces ventricular fibrillation following intermittent cold crystalloid cardioplegic arrestSladden, David; Casha, Aaron R.; Camilleri, Liberato; Manche, Alexander
2018A mathematical model for pressure-based organs behaving as biological pressure vesselsCasha, Aaron R.; Camilleri, Liberato; Gauci, Marilyn; Gatt, Ruben; Sladden, David; Chetcuti, Stanley; Grima, Joseph N.
2021-05Minimally invasive resection of a marijuana-associated giant bulla : a case reportAzzopardi, Matthew; Sladden, David; Galea, Joseph
2016Recurrent chest infections in two young non-smoker menSladden, David; Montefort, Stephen; Galea, Joseph; Schembri, Kevin