Browsing by Author Soler, Victor

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1973-11Bukkett ward ahmar (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Ribalta; De Benedetti, Aldo; Soler, Antoinette; Soler, Victor
1990-10California suite (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Mid-Med Bank; Simonds Farsons Cisk Ltd.; Atturi Productions; Simon, Neil; Soler, Victor
1974-12-01Don't just lie there say somethingAtturi Theatre Group; Pertwee, Michael; Soler, Victor
1988-11The gingerbread lady (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Atturi Productions; Central Cigarette Company Ltd.; Simon, Neil; Soler, Victor
1978Hotel Coq d'Or (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Atturi Theatre Group; Bank of Valletta; Feydeau, Georges; Izzo, Charles; Soler, Victor
1963-04-19Il-Kerrejja (Theater script)Salesian Theatre (Sliema, Malta); Malta Drama League; Tedesco, Victor; Soler, Victor; Farrugia, Ethel
2012Il-kwadri li kien hemm fl-ewwel snin tal-knisja ta’ Stella MarisSoler, Victor
2012Il-pulptu tal-knisja parrokkjali ta’ Stella MarisSoler, Victor
2010It-twaqqif u l-ewwwel snin tat-Terz’Ordni Servita ta’ Marija Addolorata fil-parroċċa ta’ Stella MarisSoler, Victor
1963L-Ewwel jien! (Theater script)Salesian Theatre (Sliema, Malta); Diacono, Guze; Soler, Victor; Tedesco, Victor
2008Lourdes - 150 sena mid-dehriet tal-Madonna u devozzjoni fil-parroċċa tagħnaSoler, Victor
2009Rajt Tas-Sliema tinbidel u drawwiet tal-imgħoddiSoler, Victor
1985-02Taking steps (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta Amateur Dramatic Club; Ayckbourn, Alan; Soler, Victor
2003X’niftakarSoler, Victor