Browsing by Author Spiteri Staines, Cyril

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 104  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Active voltage regulation for mitigation of voltage issues due to increasing PV penetration and EV loadsLicari, John; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Micallef, Alexander; Hoppert, Stefan
2019Alternative droop control method using a modified lag compensator for paralleled converters in DC microgridsZammit, Daniel; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice; Micallef, Alexander
2010Analysis and compensation of inverter nonlinearity effect on a sensorless PMSM drive at very low and zero speed operationRaute, Reiko; Caruana, Cedric; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Cilia, Joseph; Sumner, Mark; Asher, Greg M.
2022Analysis and optimisation of battery storage systems for mitigation of the effect of PV and EV on the Maltese Islands electrical networkXuereb, Ryan; Micallef, Alexander; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Licari, John
2021Analysis of droop controlled paralled aircraft generators through common DC busLendi, Daniel; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Caruana, Cedric; Licari, John
2013-09Analysis of harmonics on a MRAS system used for sensorless control of a DFIGScicluna, Kris; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2020Analysis of polygon connected ATRU for the more-electric aircraftFarrugia, Daniel; Apap, Maurice; Micallef, Alexander; Spiteri Staines, Cyril
2013Analysis of the potential of a wave energy conversion system for Maltese watersXuereb, Annalise; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Sant, Tonio; Drago, Aldo; Azzopardi, Joel; Gauci, Adam
2015Challenges in the Implementation of wind energy technology in MaltaSpiteri Staines, Cyril; Borg, Ruben Paul
2014Comparison between PI and PR current controllers in grid connected PV invertersZammit, Daniel; Apap, Maurice; Spiteri Staines, Cyril
2010-04Comparison of speed control strategies for maximum power tracking in a wind energy conversion systemZaragoza, Jordi; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Arias, Antoni; Pou, Josep; Robles, Eider; Ceballos, Salvador
2016Compensation techniques for non-linearities in H-bridge invertersZammit, Daniel; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2013Control of a doubly fed induction machine in a wind energy conversion systemScicluna, Kris; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2018Control of buck and boost converters for stand-alone DC microgridsZammit, Daniel; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice; Micallef, Alexander
2010Control of doubly fed induction machine using a matrix converterSpiteri, Kenneth; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Apap, Maurice
2012Cooperative control with virtual selective harmonic capacitance for harmonic voltage compensation in islanded microgridsMicallef, Alexander; Apap, Maurice; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Guerrero, J. M.
2011-09Design of a high efficiency wide input range isolated Cuk Dc-Dc converter for grid connected regenerative active loadsGalea, Francarl; Apap, Maurice; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Cilia, Joseph
2015Design of a linear electrical machine for a wave generation system in the Maltese watersXuereb, Annalise; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Sant, Tonio; Mule’ Stagno, Luciano; Sayigh, Ali
2010-04Design of a periphery control FPGA board for electric drive systemsRaute, Reiko; Caruana, Cedric; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Cilia, Joseph; Sumner, Mark
2012Design of a regenerative load to increase efficiency during reliability testing of DC supply equipmentGalea, Francarl; Apap, Maurice; Spiteri Staines, Cyril; Cilia, Joseph